W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
March 6, 2019
In this Issue
Tomorrow's Leaders:
Morgan Silvers ('15) campaigns to fight blood cancers

Upcoming Events

March 13
Toddler Maker Faire
8:15-9 a.m.
Toddler Maker Studio (Rm. 1)

March 20
Board Visitation Day

March 22
Staff Professional Day - no classes or child care

March 25-29

April 1-5
Spirit Week

Message from
Head of School Lisa Lalama

Read more from Lisa on the Montessori Message blog.
Some people love strategizing. They contemplate not only their next move, but the move after that and the next one, and so on. These are great qualities when playing games like chess, where strategy can predict outcomes. They are also important when considering the future of an organization. Strategy is key.

WMS has made tremendous progress on the 2017-20 strategic plan . Our Middle School Program began in September, and has become an integral part of the school experience. We have made great strides in improving compensation for our teaching staff, including salaries and professional development. We have successfully paid off our mortgage, strengthening our financial position. And though we will continue to learn and grow as we integrate the arts at WMS, we have achieved our goal of having teachers trained at the  Kennedy Center, and  four more teachers will attend workshops this June. It has been a lot of work and we are proud of everyone's efforts in making this happen.

It is now time to begin planning for the next several years. This June we will begin work on our next strategic plan. The process is new for WMS and is based on design thinking. There will be a variety of community members involved in the process, from current and alumni parents to student alumni, WMS staff and educators, who will aid us as we determine the work we have ahead in the coming years. A big part of the process is making sure we adhere to the qualities that have made us the strong school we are today. Our goal is to determine what we need to do to remain a strong Montessori school in today's educational marketplace.

The world continues to change. We remain committed to you, the families who have made us who we are today. Through this process we renew our commitment to provide a strong Montessori education for children from 12 months through 14 years. We know the wonder of Dr. Montessori's educational method and we also know the potential of her pedagogy applied in today's educational setting. We will continue to share the process as it unfolds and look forward to hearing from you throughout. Thank you for being a part of the WMS community and helping us to be the best school possible.

News & Notes News
Wanted: Auction Donations!

We hope to see you this April 13 at our  2019 Auction & Gala: Music Through the Ages. To ensure this year's auction is a success, we are still  seeking donated items and services, as well as volunteers to help with the auction. You can also make a monetary gift, place an ad in our online catalog (visible to thousands of shoppers on  BiddingforGood.com), or have your business featured on our website and signage at the event through one of our sponsorship opportunities. All proceeds from the auction go directly to support our students and our programs. 

Attention University of Delaware grads: We are seeking donations for a UD-themed basket. Stop by the front desk for details.
Donation ideas:
  • Travel (vacation property rental, hotel stays, travel points)
  • Unique experiences (behind the scenes, celebrity meet & greet, etc.)
  • Tickets to a show or local sporting event
  • Jewelry
  • Technology/electronics
  • Crafted items (quilts, knitted and pottery)
  • Lessons (cooking, musical, tutoring and financial advice)
  • Join fellow parents and create a gift basket
  • One-of-a-kind memorabilia
If you would like to make a donation or want to learn more about auction co-op opportunities, please contact  Lori Oberly  no later than March 15 if you plan to donate items or services or would like to secure a sponsorship

Toddler Maker Faire: Birds - March 13 

Join your toddler next Wednesday, March 13, from  8:15 to 9 a.m. in the Toddler Maker Studio as we focus on birds. Our bird-themed Maker Faire plans include:
  • Making bird feeders. 
  • Listening to bird calls.
  • Watching a live feed of an eagle's nest.
  • Painting with feathers.
  • Using Bee Bot to find birds.
  • Finding bird pictures throughout Maker Studio.
  • Creating birdhouses using blocks and Picasso tiles. 
We hope to see you there!

Invite Your Friends to WMS!

With so many current WMS families now re-enrolled for the 2019-20 school year, we are ready to spread the word about the spots we still have open. If you have friends, neighbors or family members who you think would enjoy the WMS experience, encourage them to visit our website or schedule a tour. We will also be hosting an open house on April 17. 

leaders Tomorrow's Leaders
Morgan Silvers (WMS '15) Campaigns for Leukemia and Lymphoma

For the past five weeks, WMS alum Morgan Silvers has been learning what it takes to run a successful fundraising campaign. She is leading a team, Sanford Saviors - based at the Sanford School, where she is currently a sophomore - on a seven-week Students of the Year  fundraising campaign for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).   

The Students of the Year program mentors students in professional skills like entrepreneurship, marketing and project management  while they compete to raise fu nds for LLS. The title  Student(s) of the Year  is awarded to the student in each community who raises the most funds during the competition. 

"To become a candidate for Student of the Year you should have a strong interest and will to help patients with leukemia and lymphoma," Morgan explained. " And you have to be dedicated to raising money for these patients."

Morgan got involved in Student of the Year Delaware after Sanford senior and 2018 Student of the Year Delaware winner Grace Johnston nominated her, but she also feels strongly about LLS's mission to fight blood cancers.

"Both my grandmothers died from lymphoma, so it's a personal connection," she said. "I also want to help people ... it makes me realize how privileged I actually am."

Morgan's campaign wraps up March 16. To learn more about Morgan's Student of the Year campaign,  visit her fundraising page .

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior  to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.

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