W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
September 26, 2018
In this Issue

Upcoming Events

October 2-3

October 4
3-6 p.m.

October 5
All-Staff Professional Day - No classes/No child care

October 8-12
Toddler Conferences
(all classes in session)

October 11
9:30 a.m. & 5 p.m.
Tell a friend!

October 18
Parent Education: The Journey
8:30 a.m.

Parents as Partners
Message from
Head of School Lisa Lalama

Read more from Lisa on the Montessori Message blog.
Every organization has a story about its beginnings; schools are no exceptions. Many schools' origins are similar: a group of parents was searching for a school for their own children, was dissatisfied with the available choices, and ended up working with a group of like-minded parents to open a school. These schools began with a small group and grew, which is also the story of WMS. In 1964, WMS opened its doors thanks to a group of passionate and dedicated parents. Today our community is made up of parents who are just as passionate about their children's education.

When WMS began, parents did everything under the sun to make sure the school succeeded, and they still do. WMS began as a parent cooperative school and continues that tradition today. Parents are an integral part of the WMS experience. Last week we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Tim Purnell, the executive director of the American Montessori Society. As he toured the school, he was impressed with many things, but most of all he noted the ways in which parents participate in the school on a daily basis. Not only do they come inside the school to drop off and pick up their children, they also have opportunities to see what's happening in the classroom. Observation rooms allow parents and visitors to have a bird's eye view into each classroom. In many other schools parents are not "allowed" to visit the school during the day except for school-sanctioned functions. They are kept at arm's length. At WMS parents are a visible presence just about every day of the year. They participate fully in the life of the school. This is a distinguishing feature of our school and one that leads to the success not only of their own children, but of all the children who attend the school. 

WMS parents feel pride of ownership, and are committed to their child's school. They care deeply about how we educate their children, as well as the reasons for our choices; they learn more about education and WMS at every step along their child's journey. Thank you to all the parents who have been such a vital and integral part of WMS from its Little Red School House beginnings to today. You are an integral part of our school and help us all to better serve the students and community.

News & Notes News
October 2-3: Picture Days at WMS
Next Tuesday and Wednesday are picture days for all WMS students. This year's school portrait vendor, LifeTouch, will provide same-day proofs, and you will have the choice of three poses. 

Please fill out the form you received from your child's classroom to select your background preference and return it by next Tuesday, October 2, to the front desk.

Picture Day Schedule
October 2: Rooms 5, 6, 16, 20, 6-9 students, 9-12 students
October 3: Rooms 3, 4, 15, 17, 19, Middle School students

bloodBe a Superhero: Give Blood at WMS and Help Save Lives

Blood Bank of Delmarva Blood Drive 
Thursday, October 4, 3-6 p.m.

Did you know nine out of 10 people will need blood or a blood product at some point in their lives?  Red blood cells, used for traumas, have a 42-day shelf life, while platelets, used for cancer and leukemia patients, have a shelf life of just five days. 
Regardless of your blood type, your blood donations can always be used. Consider donating blood at the upcoming Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD) Blood Drive at WMS on October 4, to help keep up the blood supply for the 19 Delmarva area hospitals BBD serves. The blood drive is open to anyone in the community, so please tell a friend!

Save time on paperwork and make an appointment through  BBD's website (enter sponsor code WLMS) or simply walk in to donate.

Bonus superhero opportunity: WMS students whose parents donate blood at the blood drive will receive a superhero pin, and are encouraged to wear this pin and a superhero t-shirt on Friday, October 12. 

Shop at Tea Collection and Raise Funds for WMS

From October 8-15, Tea Collection's Tea School Days program offers families a chance to save on children's clothes and give back to their child's school. 
When you shop at TeaSchoolDays.com* you'll get 15% off and free shipping, and WMS will receive 15% of sales.

Here's how it works:
1) Shop at TeaSchoolDays.com between October 8 and 15.
2) Enter promo code  SDF18WILMINGTON at checkout
3) You get 15% off your order and WMS gets 15% of sales (hooray!).

*Note: This link won't be active until the fundraising event begins on October 8.

leaders Today's Learners
Art and Animals: A Sketching Adventure for 9-12 Students in Washington, D.C.

Sixth-grader Andrew Lober practices his sketching in preparation for the upcoming 9-12 overnight trip to Washington, D.C. He plans to view and sketch the black-tailed prairie dog.

Next week, the 9-12 students will embark on their annual overnight trip - an excursion designed with education, exploration and community-building in mind. This year the group will head to Washington, D.C., where they will visit the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, tour various monuments and memorials at night, and visit Smithsonian's National Zoo.

In preparation for this overnight adventure, students learned about scientific classification and were assigned to select and study an animal currently on exhibit at the zoo. In addition to the scientific research they do to learn more about their animal, students will reinforce their understanding of the animals through art. 

"A friend of mine took an art class in which the artist said, 'To really learn about something, draw it,'" said 9-12 lead teacher Shelley Robyn. "Then you observe it more closely and pay more attention to it."

To achieve this deeper understanding and appreciation for their chosen animals, the 9-12 students have been working with art teacher Laurie Muhlbauer on their drawing skills, with a focus on sketching animals in motion. They will observe and sketch Hazelnut, the 9-12 classroom pet rabbit, as practice. 

On their first day in Washington, the 9-12 class will look for skeletal displays of their chosen animals at the Museum of Natural History. There, they will spend time sketching their animal's skeletons (or a close relative's if their animals aren't represented).

Laurie stresses the importance of studying and drawing a subject's skeleton before you sketch the subject itself.

"It's why artists start with anatomy drawing," she said. "To understand what's on the outside, you have to understand what's on the inside first."

The following day at the zoo, students will find their chosen animals and sketch them live. They will use these sketches, as well as their observations, to learn more about their animals' zoo habitats and compare them to what they've learned about their natural habitats.

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to [email protected] by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior  to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.

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