We received the following from Los Angeles organizers for refusefascism.org--

Wednesday, Dec. 28 at 6:30pm
Organizing Meeting in LA
NO! We REFUSE To Accept A Fascist America!

Echo Park United Methodist Church
1226 N Alvarado St. (near Sunset Blvd.), LA 90026

Imagine if people, in the tens of millions, filled the streets, powerfully declaring that this regime is illegitimate and demanding that it not be allowed to rule! The whole political landscape would be dramatically transformed, every faction within the established power structure would be forced to respond - and all this could well lead to a situation in which this fascist regime is actually prevented from ruling. This is not some idle dream but something which could be made a reality if all those who hate what is represented by this fascist regime translate their outrage into firm determination and massive mobilization to create the conditions which make this possible.
From a Month of Massive Resistance to Stop This Fascism

The Plan:

Saturday December 31 - New Years Eve: political demonstrations and manifestations at Trump properties in U.S. around the world; see flyer below.
Mon & Tues Jan 2 & 3: wave of publishing the Call to Action as a sign-on ad in major newspapers. $100,000 needed!
Sat - Mon Jan 14-16: Martin Luther King Weekend actions. We highlight & raise determined opposition to the white supremacist, American chauvinist, religiously bigoted character of this fascist movement and regime.  We draw forward everything thus far built and build further.  People begin coming to DC, and occupying in LA and other cities.
Tues-Thurs Jan 17-18-19: fill the streets of DC with millions!  Millions more demonstrate in every major city and small town all over US and the world, demanding that Trump-Pence be prevented from taking office before January 20.
* * * 
Read and sign the  Call to Action to STOP Trump and Pence BEFORE they come to power. Join the growing list of individuals who are calling for and working to mobilize a month of determined, massive resistance, everywhere:

Ashton Applewhite, writer and activist,  Bill Ayers, activist, educator,  Paul Von Blum, UCLA, African Studies Center,  Fr. Bob Bossie S.J., anti-war activist,  Herb Boyd, activist, author, journalist and teacher,  Karen Brooks, People's Music, Long Hill Farm, The Trouble Sisters,  Charles Burnett, filmmaker,  Isabel Cardenas, Community Consulting Services, Los Angeles; Salvadoran-American activist,  Kia Corthron, playwright,  Joe Dante, filmmaker,  Carl Dix, Founding member, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA,  Tom F. Driver, Paul J. Tillich Professor of Theology and Culture, Emeritus, Union Theological Seminary*,  Brian Drolet, Executive Director, Deep Dish TV*,  Niles Eldredge, evolutionary biologist,  Fidel Fajardo-Acosta, Professor of Comparative Literature, Creighton University*,  Charles Gaines, visual artist,  Pastor Gregg L. Greer, Freedom First International, SCLC*,  David Gunn Jr., abortion rights activist,  Chase Iron EyesEverett Iron Eyes, Sr., Water Administrator, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe,  Gregory "Joey" Johnson, defendant in U.S. Supreme Court flag burning case, Texas v. Johnson (1989), Revolution Club,  Erin Aubrey Kaplan, writer and journalist,  Evelyn Fox Keller, Professor Emerita of History and Philosophy of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology*,  Robin D.G. Kelley, Gary B. Nash Professor of American History at UCLA*,  Wayne Kramer, musician,  Fran Luck, Executive Producer of Joy of Resistance, Multicultural Feminist Radio at WBAI,  Dr. Jerome McCorry, National Faith & Social Justice Alliance,  Peter Mclaren, Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies, Chapman,  Rebeca Mendez, designer; focusing on "Design as a Social Force",  Vic MensaJessica Care Moore, poet,  PZ Myers, evolutionary developmental biologist,  Imam Talib Abdur Rashid, The Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood*,  Milton Saier, PhD, Professor of Molecular Biology, UCSD*,  Yusef Salaam, one of the Central Park Five,  Matthew Shipp, musician,  Danny Simmons, visual artist,  Ted Sirota, jazz musician,  Bob Stein, Institute for the Future of the Book*,  David StrathairnSunsara Taylor, writer, Revolution Newspaper,  Alice Walker, author,  Cornel West, writer, professor,  Saul Williams, poet and performer,  Michael A. Wood, Jr.Rev. Frank Wulf, United Methodist minister,  Andy Zee, spokesperson, Revolution Books,  David Zeiger, filmmaker
...and more than 2,000 others have signed the Call to Action.

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