Manage weeds without chemicals

“Weeds” are defined as plants growing where they are not wanted. They can range from harmless plants that show up to fill an empty space or invasive plants that are regulated by federal and state authorities because they can cause harm to economic, environmental, or human health. A variety of non-chemical methods can be used to help prevent and manage weeds in home gardens and landscapes.

Pollinators in small spaces

Containers and trellises can be used creatively to grow a variety of flowering plants, even in small urban and vertical spaces. Welcome hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators to your porch, balcony, or townhome garden with these great tips and plant recommendations.

Be on the lookout for Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect on the move in 10 Maryland counties and Baltimore City. These insects do not bite or sting people. They are a threat to Maryland agriculture. We need all Maryland residents to look out for them, destroy their egg masses before they hatch in April-May, and report them to the MD Dept. of Agriculture.

Sustainable landscaping: foundation plants for townhomes

Small spaces, simple designs, and native plants can reduce the amount of lawn to maintain and produce climate-resilient, diverse landscapes in townhome communities. They support pollinators and native wildlife as well. View our recommendations and plans.

2022 is the Year of Soil Health

Stop treating soil like dirt! Soil is mostly hidden from us making it easy to overlook and undervalue. Since soils make all plant and animal life possible on Mother Earth it makes sense for us to take good care of them.

We are grateful for the generosity of 118 people who donated to HGIC on Giving Day and helped us raise $7,550! We especially want to thank our anonymous donor who provided a $100,000 challenge gift. Thank you all for your incredible support of HGIC's mission.

If you missed Giving Day on March 9, you can still make a tax-deductible donation to the Home and Garden Information Center Fund at any time of year.

Q: Why are the branches on my crepemyrtle black with white spots?

A: Find the answer on Ask Extension
Maryland Grows Blog Spotlight

Take a look at these great recent posts on our blog!

Peat-free potting mixes - Jon Traunfeld

Seed Starting and Planning Your Garden for Climate Change

Friday, April 8 | 9am - 12pm | Virtual over Zoom | Free

UME Vegetable & Fruit Specialist Jon Traunfeld will cover seed starting supplies, techniques, and tips with an emphasis on low-cost sustainable practices.

Montgomery County Master Gardener Annual Spring Event

Saturday, May 14 | 10am - 4pm | Derwood, MD | Free/Donation

Visit the Montgomery County Agricultural History Farm Park for all things edible at the University of Maryland Grow It Eat It Spring Event

Lawn Best Management Practices & Alternatives

Wed, May 25 | 12-1:30 pm | Virtual over Zoom | Free

Join UMD IAA professor Geoffrey Rinehart to learn about best management practices for lawns. We will then hear Mikaela Boley, UME Senior Agent Associate discuss lawn alternatives and native groundcovers.


Blogs de Extensión de la Universidad de Maryland
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©2021 University of Maryland College of Agriculture & Natural Resources