Week #3 - December 15:

  • Poem: Out of the Dunes (The Magi)
  • Prayer Focus: Increasing Diversity at OC
  • An Invitation to Express God’s Generosity within OC

One of the amazing things about the Christmas story is that from the moment of Jesus’ birth several people of a foreign nationality, culture, and language were included. The Magi were miraculously attracted to the holy baby and were among his first worshipers.

Their inclusion in the narrative is a clear sign that God values and draws people to himself from “every nation, tribe, people and language.” Our desire in One Challenge is to be similarly multi-cultural.

It was obvious in the Leadership Conference that the majority of our leaders come from one segment of American society. We believe our organization and our ministries will benefit from having a membership that more directly matches the mosaic of U.S. society. This means becoming more diverse ethnically, culturally, generationally, and by denomination. Doing so will make it easier to recruit people from other segments of society and to deploy teams that better represent the diversity of God’s people. 

While we have made strides in these areas, our desire is to do better. As we become more diverse, we will seek to strategically place workers in contexts where they can best impact their assigned communities for the gospel.

Be sure to check out this week’s prayer focus and giving opportunities after the poem.


December Prayer Challenge emails, featuring poems by Pam Sider and mission-wide prayer focus.


(View Here)

Dec 1

Week #1: Mary

(View Here)

Dec 8

Week #2: The Star

(View Here)

Dec 22

Week #4: Joseph

Dec 29

Week #5: New Year's

Poem: Out of the Dunes (The Magi) by Pam Sider

From the land of endless sand & heat

Of great lore & myth & myrrh

Of science & math & endless curiosity

Came these, The Magi.


From a land foreign to Bethlehem

And even to the Christ Child´s parents

From bejeweled ancient labs & telescopes

Came these, The Magi.


From a land of tents & carpets

Of tea and herbs and low-lying plants

Of sheep & goats and camels in herds

Came these, The Magi.

From gold & oil, frankincense & spices

From turbans & caftans & shrouded women

Of textures & colors, of layers & mystery

Came these, The Magi.


From collections of precious stones

From innately concocted remedies by Alchemists

Of large families & royalty

Came these, The Magi.


From astronomers to physicians

From anatomy to the afterlife to the Creator

From science to faith

Came these, The Magi.

These decorated & studied men

Observed & recorded & pondered year after year

And finally setting out on camels to solve the mystery

Came these, The Magi.


They rode & rode, traveling & resting

The Star in their sight, in their lens perpetually

From a shared fascination & obsession growing nightly

Came these, The Magi.


The voyage was long yet they never doubted

Their sight was on The King under The Star

Of committed students from faraway corners

Came these, The Magi.


Their studies & longings summed up in their journey

The Light was in sight and soon the King would be revealed

From learnedness that was legend yet subject to Greatness

Came these, The Magi.


Before their arrival, they observed another sudden great light

And with certainty, they quickened their pace unto The Star

Toward the luminous, prominent Light settled upon an unknown city

Came these, The Magi.


The city would never again go unnoticed

It would forever be marked by the Great Light in the East

Of dignified carriage and an exotic, noticeable yet humble advent

Came these, The Magi.


Their forms & words treasured in the heart of the Mother

Their presence and gifts made it clear to all

Of conviction that this Baby was no ordinary Child

Came these, The Magi.


Their presence drew stargazers of various sorts

With conviction & maps & tools they had seen history's Brightest Light

And from a sacred place of beholding what their hearts yearned for

Came these, The Magi.


Alongside gold, frankincense, and myrrh, they laid down their hearts

At the foot of the King of kings with complete assurance

Everyone marveled & wondered at what this could mean

Except, The Magi.

Download Poem

Prayer Focus: Increasing Diversity at OC

Please pray with us that:

  • We will demonstrate love, acceptance, and appreciation for all people.
  • We will learn how to better connect, learn from, serve and partner with churches from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
  • We will learn how to adjust our funding and deployment models to be attractive to and functional for people from a broader spectrum of backgrounds.

Regarding December Giving

This past year has been especially challenging with record inflation pushing up prices. All our donors feel the pressure. It is in that context that we anticipate and depend on our largest income month of the year. Approximately 19% of all our donation income arrives in December. Therefore, we ask you to pray for the following:

  • That Jehovah-Jireh, the God who provides, will bless our 6000+ donors financially and will direct them as they make decisions about their December giving.
  • That all our missionaries and projects will receive the amounts that they need to start 2023 in the black and even with a surplus.
  • That our members who struggle with raising support will be greatly encouraged to press on.
  • That our members who have significantly “tightened their belts” for financial reasons might be able to loosen them again.
  • That our OCGA brothers and sisters, who face tougher financial challenges than we do, will have their needs met.
  • That the General Fund will receive a major boost in December.

An Invitation to Express God’s Generosity within OC

Please join us in praying for these December generosity opportunities that will help OCers thrive. Seek God’s guidance for how you or your team might bless others:

  • $10k for under-supported OC workers - current member deficits total $33K
  • $10k for mobilization - recruiting the next gen of OCers
  • $10k for the OC Global Alliance - upcoming Alliance Team meetings
  • $10k for the General Fund - serving OC’s people globally

In addition, please pray specifically for your donors and to thank God for his amazing and faithful provision.

Praying with you to a bountiful God,

Dean and Kathie

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More Prayer Points on OneChallenge.org Website