The Social Mavrik Federation grew out of the parental rights movement in British Columbia when
131,442 or 22% of voters in the 2018 school trustee contested elections registered their unhappiness with the addition of gender studies to Kindergarten and Grade 1 classrooms.
When it became apparent that greater school choice was a solution and that local parents needed a reliable voice, the Social Mavrik Federation was formed as a member controlled society in British Columbia to initiate legislated petitions and endorse candidates in elections.
The legislated petition initiated by Social Mavrik members called for legislation to allow the voluntary formation of 20 public charter schools.
Endorsing candidates evolved into a strategy of weekly email announcements or messages accompanied by a weekly Facebook post and a weekly Twitter tweet.
On its first anniversary members of the Social Mavrik Federation decided to apply their endorsement strategy to the Canadian Conservative leadership election.
The strategy is based on holding a new round of endorsement votes each time a membership milestone is reached in the relevant jurisdiction. The jurisdiction for the Conservative leadership election is of course Canada. The membership milestone for the Round 2 endorsement vote is 3 new members. The Round 3 milestone is 4 new members, and so on.
Round One results are in and are shown in the two tables below.
Leslyn Lewis has spoken eloquently about parental rights.
"I will lead with courage and uphold the family as the cornerstone of our society and protect a parent’s right to raise their children according to their values and not those dictated by the government," says Leslyn Lewis.
The Social Mavrik Federation endorses Parental Rights Lewis for leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada.
Our endorsement is shown in graphic form in the Facebook section below.
We invite each voter from all provinces and territories of our nation to participate in this Endorsement Campaign as a paid-up member of the Social Mavrik Federation.
The "Mavrik" part of our name is defined on
page 1 of the membership application form. The "Social" part of our name distinguishes us from the modern liberal identity politics world view and is explained on
page 2 of the membership application form.