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between the university and its many communities

 February 17, 2023 

UNLV and the 82nd Legislative Session


The second week of the 82nd Session of the Nevada Legislature ends today with 363 Bills introduced, (186 Assembly Bills and 177 Senate Bills).

Rebels were actively engaged with the legislative process this week. Notable activity included:

  • Chancellor Erquiaga presented the State of the System to the Assembly Education Committee and President Whitfield was called on to discuss college affordability and its...(more)


Next week, Rebels will continue to advocate for UNLV. Please note the following dates of...(more)


Taylor Duffy

Each biennium, UNLV places legislative interns and externs in Carson City to assist lawmakers with various duties such as tracking bills, conducting research...(more)


February 15, 2023 - President Keith Whitfield discussing the nexus between affordability and completion of higher education degrees with the Nevada Senate Education Committee.

February 16, 2023 - President Keith Whitfield with Boyd Law Externs, Taylor Duffy and Theodore Milk, testifying at the Assembly Committee on Government Affairs hearing in support of AB140 to make Juneteenth Day a legal holiday in Nevada.

February 16, 2023 - Dr. Sara Hunt of KKSOM and Valerie Haskin, Behavioral Health Coordinator for the Rural Regional Behavioral Health Policy Board visited with legislators to discuss AB37 - Workforce Development for Mental and Behavioral Health. 

February 16, 2023 - Dr. Constance Brooks of GCE and Dr. Marc Kahn of KKSOM testifying in support of AB69 to expand the loan repayment program administered by Nevada Health Service Corps to include behavioral health care providers. 

Working to Find Solutions: A State Mental Health Crisis

If Nevada received a report card based on its history of providing accessible mental health care to residents — you’d see a long list of F’s. In 2022, it ranked dead last in youth and overall categories, meaning Nevada has a high prevalence for both youths and adults with mental health disorders, but falls short of providing these populations with adequate services. A report by the U.S. Department of Civil Rights...(more)

Hidden Ocean: Solving the Southwest Water Crisis

It is often said that necessity is the mother of invention. So, it’s only fitting that Mother Nature is forcing us to innovate around one of the longest droughts the Southwest has ever seen. And the solution to our survival may be hidden right in front of us. H. Jeremy Cho, an assistant professor in UNLV’s department of mechanical engineering, leads a research team that’s studying atmospheric water harvesting...(more)

UNLV Newsmakers 2023 - January Recap

Never mind the winter chill. UNLV experts were hot on the scene this January as they fielded hundreds of interview requests from media on topics including finance, the friendly skies, health, hunger, artificial intelligence, and outer space. Read on for details on these accomplishments and more. U.S. News & World Report ranked the UNLV School of Nursing’s online master's programs...(more

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