News from Annapolis
2019 Session:          Delegate Trent Kittleman - District 9A
Week Eight
Next week:  
*   The Budget Bills -   HB 100;  HB 101; HB 1407
*   The first Kirwan Bill -- HB 1413
*   The Kirwan Accountability Bill -  HB 1113
Please forward this email to your family and friends, and encourage them to sign up to receive the weekly News from Annapolis by sending me an email at
I am publishing my Newsletter a day early this week to let everyone know, if you are planning to come to Annapolis today -- Monday, March 11 -- you will encounter significant traffic and some roads may be closed. See below.
If you are planning to come to Annapolis this evening

Be WARNED!bewarned
Teachers' Rally planned for THIS EVENING 
Monday, March 11
Organizers expect between 5,000 - 11,000 
Teachers vow to shut down the state capital . . .  to draw attention to their demands for raises and increased education funding.
"The need for increased funding in Baltimore City is dire," said Marietta English, president of the Baltimore Teachers Union.
City  Schools: We need more funds ... really? inadequatefunds
The United States Census Bureau
Per Student Spending
Of the 100 largest school systems [in the Country] by enrollment,
Maryland had four of the 10 public school districts with the highest spending per student
This marks the eighth year in a row Maryland has had four school districts in the top 10 in this category. 
Nationally, the top five school districts per student spending were:

*   New York City School District at $21,980; 

*   Boston City Schools at $21,552; 

*   Anchorage School District in Alaska at $17,046; 

 Baltimore City Schools in Maryland at $15,818; and 

*   Howard County Schools in Maryland at $15,714.

to read more, click here

Just one question, City Schools: 
Baltimore City Public Schools ordered to pay $122K for withholding public documents lostcourtcase
             This past week, a Baltimore City judge ruled in favor of Fox45's complaint against Baltimore City Schools for Improper Denial of Access to Records.
            Moreover, the court found that "Defendant acted knowingly and willfully" in failing to produce records, and ordered City Schools to pay the statutory damages of $1,000 and the plaintiff's reasonable counsel fees totaling $122,720.70 plus court costs.
            In the summer of 2017, Fox45 reported on possible grade changing at one of the Baltimore City Schools. Teachers had reported that some students were graduating because their grades were changed. City Schools investigate the charge but found the allegations "unsubstantiated."
            Fox45 filed a public records request to see that report. City Schools refused to provide any response, and the Fox45 parent company, Sinclair Broadcasting Company filed suit.
            During the next 15 months, City Schools slowly handed over more than 10,000 pages of documents, but many of them were redacted to the point where there is nothing on the page but redaction.  The trial was held in February of this year, and resulted in a number of Orders.
          Among them was the dictate that Baltimore City Schools "conduct a global search for and produce all documents and emails relating to allegations of grade changing responsive to the two MPIA requests."
FetalHomicideFetal Homicide Bill Heard in House

            "In September 2017 my best friend and daughter Laura was shot in the back of the head in a desolate field like an animal, [killing her and my unborn grandson,] "Reid, a perfect baby boy who likely would have been walking this week at the age of one."
           Thus began the testimony of Gwen Wallen, who, with her husband, Mark, came again to Annapolis to urge the Maryland General Assembly to pass what is known as Laura & Reid's law.
            This bill would allow prosecutors to charge someone with murder or manslaughter in the death of a fetus, regardless of the age of the fetus. Currently, the f etus must be deemed "viable" in order to charge murder.
            Though the legislation won't help their situation, Wallen said, it could help prevent future violence against pregnant women.
            "In our country and in Maryland, violence against pregnant women is, I think, much higher than people like to believe." Homicide was the  leading cause of death among pregnant and postpartum women in Maryland between 1993 and 2008. Often the assailant is the putative 'father' who does not want to be held responsible for a child.
            Opponents argue that this is an anti-abortion law. They are wrong. The law would not impact a woman's right to choose not to have a child; rather it would protect a women's right to choose to have a child.
            The language in this bill is specific. To be prosecuted under this bill a person must have "intent" --
  • Intent to cause the death of the fetus;
  • intent to cause serious physical injury to the fetus; or
  • To wantonly or recklessly disregarded the likelihood that the person's actions would cause the death of or serious physical injury to the fetus.
            In addition, the person must have known, or reasonably should have known that the woman was pregnant at the time of the offense.
              Moreover, the bill specifically lays out what it does NOT do:
  • Nothing in this section applies to or infringes on a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy
  • Nothing in this section subjects a physician or other licensed medical professional to liability for fetal death that occurs in the course of administering lawful medical care.
  • Nothing in this section applies to an act or failure to act of a pregnant woman with regard to her own fetus.
  • Nothing in this section shall be construed to confer personhood or any rights on the fetus.
          This is a good bill that should be supported by pro-life advocates as well as pro-choice advocates.  
The unintended consequences of minimum wage hikes
Sanctuary Bills Update sanctuary
Keep Our Communities Safe Act of 2019:  HB 817
        Three bills that would make Maryland a Sanctuary State have had hearings in the House and in the Senate.  No further action has been taken thus far.
         And thanks to Minority Whip, Kathy Szeliga, we now have an opportunity to support a GOOD bill -- a bill that will "require law enforcement to turn over illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a crime to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) IF ASKED."  
          Common sense dictates that illegal immigrants who have both entered our country illegally then proceeded to commit crimes should be detained until federal authorities can come pick them up.
          Maryland should not protect criminal illegal immigrants nor should local law enforcement release them back into our communities.  The bill hearing for HB 817 is on March 12th in the House Judiciary Committee.
Sign the petition and tell the lawmakers in Annapolis 
you support HB 817

ComcastComcast Newsmakers features Delegate Kittleman
District News
Delegate Trent M. Kittleman ScholarshipScholarship
College students 
and college-bound seniors (and/or parents thereof) 
If you live in Legislative District 9-A 
( western Howard County and southern Carroll County)    
I Invite you to apply for one of my legislative scholarships.
District 9-A Residents:        
          Current high school seniors and full-time or part-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students, graduate students and students attending a private career school may apply.
For questions regardi ng the a pplication process, please call my Annapolis office and ask to speak with Chelsea Leigh Murphy at 410-841-3556.
Please be sure to have your completed application postmarked by April 5, 2019.
Delegate Trent Kittleman
District 9A, Western Howard County and Southern Carroll County (Sykesville)
Room 202, Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street,   Annapolis, MD 21401
410-841-3556  *   Trent.Kittleman@House.State.MD.US
Interim Office
3000 Kittleman Lane,  West Friendship, MD 21794
301-661-3344  *
Administrative AideChelsea Leigh Murphy