NASET's WeeK in Review

July 5, 2024 | Vol 20 Issue # 27

Hi NASET Week in,!

Welcome to NASET's WEEK in REVIEWHere, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication.

Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at

Have a great weekend!

Top Stories of the Week

Schools Can’t Evaluate All Those Ed-Tech Products. Help Is on the Way


Wearable Brain Imaging Provides a Precise Picture of Children's Developing Brains


Google Brings Gemini AI to Teens in the Classroom


Special Education Enrollment Hits All-Time High


Embedding SEL into Early Literacy Through Nursery Rhymes

Justice Department Cites States for Disability Rights Violations


NYC Schools Restructuring: A New Deputy Chancellor for Students with Disabilities, English Learners

Ways to Improve Postsecondary Planning for Students with Special Needs

Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace for Innovation, Inclusion

Feeding Disorder Treatment Programs Urgently Needed for Children with Autism



NASET’s LD Report


Students Coping with Dyslexia in General Education Classrooms


By Michelle Norman

This issue of NASET’s LD Report was written by Michelle Norman. Coping with dyslexia can be frustrating for a student in general education classes. The mainstream model which is typically used for most students with dyslexia, can be successful if the teacher has the knowledge or background to provide the appropriate interventions so that a student with dyslexia can learn to cope. In an inclusive class, a student with dyslexia typically will avoid reading aloud or answering questions and this behavior can be interpreted as an uninterested or unmotivated student when in reality the student is struggling to cope. In conclusion, a multisensory approach in a regular education classroom setting will give a student with dyslexia the tools to be able to cope. Therefore, the implication is to educate and train teachers to understand the effects that dyslexia has on student learning and the accommodations a student needs to succeed in a general classroom setting. 

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Trivia Question of the Week


Family History of Mental Health Disorders Linked to Developmental Outcomes in Siblings of Children with Autism

Pennsylvania State Police Unveil Info Card for People with Autism to Help Communication Barriers

Coping with Summer Unstructured Time When You Have ADHD

Philadelphia Needs to Hire More Teachers, with the Worst Shortage in Special Education

Wisconsin AG Argues Letting People with Disabilities Vote Electronically at Home Would Create Confusion

Who’s Eligible for Special Education Services? Schools Struggle to Keep Up

Latest Job Listings on NASET

* Special Education Teacher, 6th-8th grade Intensive Support - To develop and implement individualized educational programs which address the needs of special education students at the grade level(s) they are assigned. The instruction will incorporate a collaborative and proactive approach to supporting students, especially those with unique needs, in behavior management, social skills, emotional awareness, cognitive problem solving, academic, prevocational and vocational, and transition skills. To learn more- Click here

* Lower School Learning Specialist - When passion and impact come together, an institution becomes more than a place to work. As many of our teachers and staff will tell you, Flint Hill is a place where they are challenged and inspired, and yet it still feels like home. To learn more- Click here

* Elementary School- Autism Teacher (SY 24 - 25) - Great Oaks Legacy Charter School is seeking a dynamic, mission-aligned educator to join our team as an Elementary School Autism Teacher to teach Pre-K - 4th Grade for the (2024-25) academic year. To learn more- Click here

* Middle School - Special Education Teacher (ERI) (SY 24 - 25) - Great Oaks Legacy Charter School is seeking a dynamic, mission-aligned educator to join our team as a Middle School - Special Education Teacher with a focus in Emotional Regulation Impairment (ERI) for 5th - 8th Grade for the (2024-25) academic year. To learn more- Click here

* Special Education Teacher - Your primary responsibility will be to create a positive and inclusive learning environment that promotes academic, social, and emotional growth for all students. This position requires excellent communication skills, strong organizational abilities, and a genuine passion for helping students with diverse learning needs. To learn more- Click here

Food for Thought

When you do the right thing, you get the feeling of peace and serenity associated with it. Do it again and again.

Roy T. Bennett

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