ELC eNews

The Weekly Newsletter of

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Venice, Florida

Week of February 5, 2023

Fifth Sunday

after Epiphany

This week at Emmanuel...

  • February 5: Worship @ 8:30, 10:00am (Contemporary) & 11:00am
  • February 5: Sunday School @ 9:45am
  • February 5: Youth Group @ 5pm
  • February 6: Garden Angels @ 8am
  • February 6: WELCA Dorcas Quilting @ 9am
  • February 6: Soul Sisters @ 1pm
  • February 6: VICA Winter Series @ 7:00pm
  • February 7: Scripture Study with Donna Bachelor @10:00am at VOTI
  • February 7: Widow's Luncheon @ 12noon
  • February 7: Mahjong @ 1pm
  • February 7: Property Committee @ 1pm
  • February 7: Nominating Committee @ 1:30pm
  • February 8: Christian Education Committee @ 10am
  • February 8: Choir Rehearsal @ 4pm
  • February 8: Call Committee @ 5pm
  • February 9: I Peter Book Study @ 1pm
  • February 9: Thursdays Together, @ 10am, Zoom
  • February 10: LWR Quilt Drop-Off, @ 9am-2pm
  • February 11: Altar Guild @ 9am
  • February 11: Chili Cookoff @ 6pm
  • February 11: Worship @ 5pm in Sanctuary

More information about several of these events follows.

CLICK HERE to let us know you are Attending Worship this weekend

By visiting our website, you can view this weekend's worship folder

for our 10am worship, which is available on our Facebook page.

Please be patient as we work through technical issues which may affect the

viewing of our worship services.

New Pictures from recent events Coming Soon at Emmanuel - click below to see the fun!

Current Events
Visit our website

This and That for the Week...Important Information Follows

The Call Committee continues to work on the Ministry Site Profile with a goal of having it ready to submit to the Synod by the end of February. This should give the Committee enough time to finish the 14-page form and incorporate feedback from church council and the Executive Committee.

Ed Crary will defend his title of Best Chili from last year! Let's try and dethrone him!

There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Let us know if you are bringing your prize-winning chili in a crock pot or if you're just coming to eat! Either way we hope to see you there.

All the condiments that go with chili will be supplied along with some delicious cornbread. 

Come, Enjoy, and "Beat Ed Crary"

February 12th at 11:45am

All who have joined Emmanuel since March of 2022 or are interested in joining are invited to attend this meeting. A light lunch will be served, and we hope to be finished by 2pm.

Anyone wishing a refresher of Lutheranism or who like to serve as a New Member Sponsor are welcome to attend this meeting. Please contact the office if you plan to attend.

A Welcome Celebration will be held during our 8:30am worship on February 19th.

Please remember to return your completed 2023 Time & Talent Sheets and Pledge Cards ASAP. These are so important to our ministries when planning events, budgets, etc.

NOTE: If you completed one or both of these electronically, we ran into problems downloading them.

There are additional copies of the T&T sheet and Pledge Card in the Narthex or by clicking the link below.

T&T Sheet

Women of the ELCA (WELCA) have been busy this year collecting and making items for the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) collection in February.                                        

Thirteen Deborah Circle members met on January 17th to pack their fifty-four Baby Layette kits. They exceeded their annual goal of fifty kits. Kathie Winemiller reported that it was a “busy and happy time.” The women had help from our facility staff John and Peter with the setup. Nick Sperry asked some of the youth to help move the boxes to be stored. 

Dorcas Circle members have been sewing quilts all year for LWR delivery. The circle women plan to complete 800 quilts before they pack in February. The Emmanuel women quilt because they love to serve, and they love God. Jackie Miller leads this circle.

Jan Quinn is collecting and preparing Personal Care Kits and School Backpacks. Please support this ministry by helping purchase the items Jan is listing in eNews.

Soul Sisters, Pat Crary leader, provide support to various projects locally.

The women in Emmanuel WELCA Circles demonstrate their caring for others, giving of themselves, and using their God-given talents so people worldwide know that Lutheran women in the United States love them, love our God, and serve them because of our love for God.                                                                                                                                             

Emmanuel women are welcome and invited to join a Circle: Deborah, Kathy Winemiller, leader; Dorcas, Jackie Miller, leader; and Soul Sisters, Pat Crary. 

Dr. Marlyce Holbach, WELCA President 

Notebooks Needed for School Kits

Spiral, College Ruled,

70 Sheets, 1 Subject

Several are needed to complete the School Kits that will be sent to LWR in a couple of weeks.

Place the notebooks in the bin located in the Narthex.

Thank you.


Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is in need of additional shawls to "wrap" those who need a HUG.


Contact Jadynne @ 612.723.3111

Interested in learning to knit or crochet? Let us know. We're thinking of starting a group of newbees.

Jewish Food Festival

Sunday, February 19 10am-3pm

Venice Interfaith Council 2023 Series

Click the picture to visit their website

Barb's Medical Minute

Being in the middle of cold and flu season, here are some tasty ideas for relief. I like being able to use food as medicine.

  1. Pink grapefruit is bursting with immunity enhancers vitamin C and beta-carotene. It is about 90% water-hydration, which is an important part of getting and staying well. (BTW, wine and alcohol are not hydrating.)
  2. Ginger sooths upset tummies, but it also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help improve immunity. (And it comes in candy form—bonus!)
  3. Tumeric may help treat issues like runny noses and scratchy throats because it contains the antioxidant curcumin. Add a dash of black pepper and olive oil to assist with absorption. (Not sure I will use this one.)
  4. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc which helps reduce cold duration and symptom severity. (Zinc really works!)
  5. Chicken soup is a cozy comfort for when you’re sick, but there’s more to it than that! Chicken has zinc, and the veggies in the soup, like carrots, are packed with antioxidants. In addition, the warm broth is hydrating, and makes a sore throat feel better too. See? Mom did know best!

Make a Dedication to a Loved One or

Celebrate a Special Occasion!!

Altar Flower Sign-up

Several Openings

This Month!!

Click Here for Altar Flowers, Jan-June 2023

Submit your payment of $35 with dedication to the church ASAP. Forms are also available in the Narthex or at the office.

Eternal Candle Sign-up

Do it today!!!

Click Here for Eternal Candle, Jan-June 2023

Submit the payment of $10 and dedication to the church ASAP. Forms are also available in the Narthex or at the office.

If you are unable to sign-up online, Click Here for the form to print and return with payment.

Ongoing events, collections, etc..

Dorcas Circle - Quilts - Every Monday @ 9am in Room 105/106. Jackie Miller, Leader.

Soul Sisters - Local Projects - First &Third Monday @ 1pm in the Office Center, Pat Crary, Leader.

Deborah Circle - Baby Kits - Second Tuesday @ 3pm in Room 101, Kathie Winemiller, Leader.

All women are invited to join a circle for fellowship and devotions.

Sunday School

Every Sunday at 9:45am in Room 101 & 103

Ages 5 thru Middle School

Youth Group

Every Sunday, 5-7pm in the Youth Room

Jr High thru HS

Dinner Provided!!

Click here to join the meeting

Via Zoom

Join us for Lenten Season


Every Monday Morning

with Birdie Clark



This Tuesday, 1-3pm

Now in the Narthex

All skill levels Welcomed!!

The Food Pantry Cart is located in the Welcome Center. You may also make a monetary donation which allows them to purchase

specific product needs.

Visit their website www.southcountyfoodpantry.com

for more information.

Scripture Study

with Donna Batchelor

Every week @10:00am at VOTI

New Location

Matthew Hall, Renaissance Room

Click Here to view previous videos

Thursday's Together

10am via Zoom

Click the picture to join in the conversation

Stewardship and Outreach Emphasis for Month

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. We believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities. All donations are used to support the organization and the many projects that support family housing needs in the Venice area.

March 1-29--Each Wednesday-Lenten Soup Suppers

March 7--Widows' Luncheon

March 19--Luke Little Church

March 21--Men's Breakfast

March 25--Braves vs Twins BB Game

More details for each event will be in future eNews Editions.


February 5

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 58:1-9a [9b-12]

Psalm 112:1-9[10]

1st Corinthians 2:1-12[13-16]

Matthew 5:13-20

February 12

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Psalm 119:1-8

1st Corinthians 3:1-9

Matthew 5:21-37

Contact us at...

Interim Pastor Meyette: p[email protected]

Visitation Pastor: Pastor Dave Hess

Cell Phone for Emergencies (December - mid-May): 610.216.3394

Donna Batchelor: [email protected]

Kris Bowker: [email protected]

Linda Critchfield: [email protected]

Peter Doherty: [email protected]

Debi Hammett: [email protected]

Becky Rothgery: [email protected]

Barb Spenks: [email protected]

Nick Sperry: [email protected]

Gayle Strain: [email protected]

Counseling Services are available through:

Samaritan Counseling Services

of the Gulf Coast

Phone: 941.926.2659


Emmanuel Lutheran Church

790 Tamiami Trail S

Venice, FL 34285

[email protected]



Office Hours:

M-Th 8:30am-2:00pm

Closed Friday and Holidays

We are members of
Venice Mainstreet!