Week of February 6-February 10

Thank You to Our First Grade Parents for the Wonderful Teacher Breakfast this morning!

Week at a Glance

Sunday, February 5

WHITE Team Basketball Practice 4-6

Monday, February 6

4PM ASEDS Green Team vs. St. Anthony (Home) Admission is $3

Tuesday, February 7

8:10 Chapel Birthday Book Club (Dec-Feb)

ACF Tumbling 3:00

Wednesday, February 8

Cheer Practice 3:00

Thursday, February 9

8:10 Chapel Cool Daddies

3:00 - 4:00 Lego Club (Adams Room)

ASEDS Green & White Teams vs. TKA (Away) Green 4 PM, White 5PM

Friday, February 10

Spirit Day All Grades (Valentine's Theme)

Looking Ahead

Sunday, February 12

WHITE Team Basketball Practice 4-6

Monday, February 13

4PM ASEDS White Team vs. Maranatha (Away)

Tuesday, February 14

8:10 Chapel 1st Grade Haigler

ACF Tumbling 3:00

White Team Basketball Practice 5:00pm

Wednesday, February 15

Cheer Practice 3:00

Thursday, February 16

8:10 Chapel

Grandparents/Special Friends Day

12:00 Dismissal/No Lunch Served

Friday, February 17

Faculty/Staff Professional Development No School

Chapel Dress Code Reminder:

 All Saints' will begin enforcing a Chapel Day dress code for students in grades 1st-6th. Chapel days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Chapel Dress Code

  1. Boys are required to wear a collared or button down shirt, tucked in, with a belt. T-shirts are not permitted. Khaki (pants or shorts) or jeans without cuts or holes are permitted.
  2. Girls are required to wear clothing that would be appropriate for church. Girls are not required to wear a skirt or dress unless they choose to do so, but they are not permitted to wear athletic or athleisure clothing on Chapel days. Jeans without holes or cuts are permitted.
  3. Athletic attire is not permitted on Chapel days.

If the above code is not followed, a parent or guardian will be called to bring appropriate clothing. If someone cannot be reached, the school will provide a change of clothes.



  • If you have not preordered, lunch will be $7.75 per day.

Click Here for the Lunch Menu


Thursday, February 16 students will dismiss at 12:00, aftercare will be from 12:00 to 6:00, you must pack your child a lunch.

Friday, February 17 will be an Aftercare PLUS day. Aftercare will only be available if you have signed up prior.

Monday, February 20 there will be no aftercare.

Boys Tennis Registration

Tennis Registration is Now Open!

Click Here to Register!

Tickets and sponsorships available!


For questions about this event, please contact Melissa Jordan (mjordan@aseds.com).

If you have an item or service you would like to donate, please contact Rebecca Thornhill (rebecca.martin.thronhill@gmail.com) or Bre Chavis (chavisbre@gmail.com).


Proceeds will support the Greatest Need Crusader Fund, STEM Lab, and Library.

ASEDS Beta Club Service Project 2023

The ASEDS Beta Club will be collecting tabs from cans for the Ronald McDonald House February 1-29

The class who collects the most tabs will receive an extra recess!

Fun Facts:

  • One pound of tabs is worth between $0.40 and $0.50 (approximately 1,128 tabs) Last year 13 million pop tabs were collected, resulting in $6,000!

  • Trysten Prosser's story inspired the Beta Club to choose this cause as their fundraiser. After receiving a heart transplant at the age of 2, the RMH provided her family with everything they needed to pursue her treatments at MUSC. Every year on her birthday, she takes tabs to the RMH.

If you have any questions regarding the fundraiser, please contact Julie White (jwhite@aseds.com) or Meg Brunson (mbrunson@aseds.com)

A message from Coach Thompson:


I would like to express my sincere gratitude in regards to your support of the athletic teams and the overall athletic program here at All Saints’. I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve the school, and I look forward to continuing the tradition, as well as growing the athletic opportunities here at All Saints’. 

Thank you,

Coach Thompson

Go Crusaders!

Thank you to our students, faculty, and parents who show up to cheer on our Crusaders! Yesterday the Green Team played a great game against Maranatha! Go Crusaders!

Afterschool Activities

Technology Tips for Middle School Parents: Stay in the Know

Click here to read the latest Social Institute's blog post!

Who to Call