Week of February 7, 2021
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
In this week's eNews...
  • February 9th @ 8am: LWR Quilt/Care Kit loading at Emmanuel
  • February 9th @ 1pm: "Between the World & Me" book study
  • February 11th @ 10am: Thursdays Together with Pastor Hall
  • February 11th @1pm: Revelation Bible Study
  • February 12th @9:30am: Centering Prayer Information Session w/Birdie Clark
  • February 12th @2pm: Valentine Party
  • February 13th @ 8:45am: Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop - see link below
  • February 16th @10am: Torah Tuesdays w/Donna Batchelor
  • February 17th @5pm: Ash Wednesday Worship
  • Signup is now open for Altar Flowers and Eternal Candle dedication for Feb-Mar of 2021 through the links below or contact the church office.

We have seen a steady increase in online giving the last few months. If you do banking on your mobile device you can download the GivePlus app or check out the online giving tab on our website.

The Stewardship committee is happy to answer any questions or help you it set up.
Christa Sweeney Stewardship Chair
Last week a small group of Deborah Circle women gathered in Fellowship Hall to assemble baby care kits for LWR. The kits were boxed and are ready for shipment. 

Deborah Circle was able to finish 41 kits this year. It was fun, considering how cute baby clothes are. They had 1 guest helper from VOTI who helped Jean Mosby with sewing so many gowns. Barb Spenks was there to help keep them safe and the ladies truly appreciated all she did. Meredith Johnson coordinated the assembly. They had not met as a group since last March, so this was a wonderful accomplishment. They have begun Zoom meetings for their Bible study. Please contact Kathie Winemiller for the link to join.

We prayed over the kits. May they bring joy to some mothers who need some help. 
God’s work, our hands.  Kathie Winemiller
A new slate of council members was approved at the annual meeting last week. Emmanuel was fortunate that many council members agreed to extend one year as allowed by our constitution. Below is our church Council for 2021. Thanks to all for serving.
2021 Church Council
Vice President

Youth Representative
Youth & Family
Worship & Music
Christian Education
Member at Large
Member at Large
Gordon Storey
Denise D'Eath
KC Farrell
Chuck Koons

Chuck Koons
Lynne Ross
Jadynne Berg and Pat Crary
Sharon Graves
Joan Barger
Kristin Kozee
Mike Anderson
Joy Lundahl
Christa Sweeney
Rich Albrecht
Kevin Kenny
a story to tell - DEVOTIONS FOR LENT 2021
This Lenten devotional highlights readings from the gospel of Matthew with 46 entries, one for each day from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Each reading is accompanied by a photo, a quote to ponder, a reflection, and a prayer. This format makes it easy to incorporate a simple Christian observance into your Lenten journey. A Story to Tell focuses on texts from the Gospel of Mark that show Jesus’ journey from baptism to the cross. The gospel writer has a story to tell, moving quickly from one scene to the next. The urgent tone of the story grabs us and pulls us in, but all the action comes to a halt when those who see the empty tomb tell no one about this. Is this the end of the story?
Lenten devotional booklets will be available in the Narthex this weekend and next week at the office Mon-Thurs 8:30am-12noon.
Thursdays Together with Pastor Hall
February 11th at 10am
Join our community of faith for conversation around the gospel for the week. This is a thirty-minute Zoom dialogue with Pastor Hall based on the gospel. There is a short litany followed by the reading and open discussion on the text for the following Sunday's worship. It is a time to see faces and an opportunity to connect-up with members of Emmanuel.

Topic: Thursday's Together
Time: Thursday, February 11th @10:00am
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 923 5128 1523
Passcode: 999623
February Events
Beginning February 12th; 9:30-10:15am via Zoom

Explore Centering Prayer to enrich your Lenten journey as well as your prayer life. Birdie Clark is forming a new group for those new to Centering Prayer as well as those who have perhaps practiced before. All are welcome! Please email or phone Birdie if you are interested or have questions at birdieclark48@aol.com or 941.488.4360. Be sure to include your email to receive the link and facilitate a group list for communicating and sharing information.
Here are a couple YouTube videos if you would like to have some preparation for the group. Just click on the titles below to view. (These are NOT a requirement to join the group)
Centering Prayer Introductory Program
February 13, 2021 via Zoom
(sponsored by the Contemplative Outreach Sarasota/Bradenton branch)

During these challenging times Centering Prayer is a way to draw closer to God. It is a Christian form of meditation that serves as a method of movement into contemplative prayer, a way to open oneself to the Divine Presence and, through the healing of the Holy Spirit, to be of greater service to those around us.

The Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop familiarizes participants with the method of Centering Prayer and its conceptual background and offers two opportunities to experience the prayer. The program will be led by Contemplative Outreach trained presenters.
For information and to view the entire flyer on this event, click here.

Contact Susan Holm for more information and any questions you may have.
or use:
Meeting ID: 839 722 1615
Passcode: SingLoud
Torah Tuesdays at Ten
You are invited to revisit old friends like Moses, Noah and Abraham in God's word with Donna Batchelor on Tuesdays beginning February 16th at 10am in-person! Yes that's right Donna will offer a series of discussions on these old yet familiar stories beginning with the first five books of the Old Testament or the Torah - offered in-person each week in the sanctuary. Limited attendance. Sign up below for February.

This series will also be posted on our website.
Ash Wednesday begins Lent
February 17th @5:00pm
All who are baptized in Christ Jesus are baptized into the family of God. By water and word, each of us is welcomed into God’s worldwide embrace of love and salvation. In baptism we become members of the “whole Christian family on earth,” and now, here in this place, we enjoy God’s love and fellowship within our Emmanuel family, our community of faith.
Families reflect the way that God works in and among us. This year’s midweek Lenten series will consider “the family of God” as it comes to light and life in the stories of family relationships in the Bible. Each Wednesday evening we will hear stories about families — from scripture and from our own community of faith, as well as an opportunity to see a mural created by Pr. Paul Oman and constructed by Emmanuel’s “framing team.” The section of the mural painted after each midweek worship service will reflect the Bible story considered that evening. Please join “the family of God” in exploring these stories, ancient and new, through worship and art.

Click below to see the full schedule for our Wednesday Lenten Services.

“So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.” (Galatians 6:10) 
In Our Prayers...
Valerie Cooper, Dave Fredrickson, Bill Johnson, Shirley Kasko, and Richard Neilsen.

To the friends and family of Stan Gabrielson who passed away January 31, 2021. A private service is being held at Sarasota National.

Also to the friends and family of Ted Schultz who passed away February 1, 2021. A Celebration of LIfe will be held at Venice Beach on Saturday, February 6th at 5pm. Look for the American flag and please wear your mask.
We welcomed 29 new members to Emmanuel Sunday, January 31st. Click here to put "a name with a face" and find out about them. We welcome them to Emmanuel's Family and extend God's blessing to each of them.

We also wish to welcome Larry & Dolores Tudor as members of Emmanuel.

Correction: Nick Sperry is an event coordinator for Venice Main Street.
Welcome Pastor Hess
David L .Hess has accepted the part-time position as shut-in visitation minister at Emmanuel, beginning February 1, 2021.

Pastor Dave is a graduate of Penn State with a B.S. in Wood Science, and of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg with a Master of Divinity degree. Ordained in 1973, he served the Heidelberg-Slatedale Lutheran Parish (ELCA) in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania for over four decades.

David has been married to Linda for fifty years, and they now divide their time between homes in Pennsylvania and South Venice. They are the parents of two daughters and one son, and are the proud grandparents of a seventeen-year-old grandson (Benjamin) and a three-month-old granddaughter (Paige).
February Stewardship Emphasis

This committee was formed 3 years ago with a mission to provide opportunities for members of the church and the community to gather together in fun, fellowship, sharing and learning. The committee meets monthly (currently on Zoom) on the 2nd Monday at 1:00. We are struggling to find ways to gather during the pandemic. If you have ideas to share and time to spare, come join us. Call Jadynne Berg at 612-723-3111 or Pat Crary at 941-882-3089.
In the following weeks we will explain the different opportunities for you to become a part of this committee.
We look forward to hearing from you!
February Outreach Emphasis
Our Habitat for Humanity building team is actively involved with South Sarasota County Habitat for Humanity program and Emmanuel’s Local Envelope Charity has dedicated February’s contributions to support this project. With the help of local churches, it is hoped to reach goals to build our next home.

 “…Building a house gives people a concrete way to put their faith into action by offering a hand-up to a family in need of housing. A Faith Build project also has the potential to build community among churches that have never worked together before. Volunteers meet new people and develop friendships with individuals from their own churches as well as from the larger faith community.”

Habitat for Humanity is always looking for volunteers to assist with building as well as painting, and other construction needs. Looking for a great area to help others please contact Frank Rauch for further information. Due to the Covid-19 volunteers are still completing two homes as only 3-4 workers can be scheduled at a time. A new House That Faith Built is not schedule to start at this time.
Remember or Honor a Loved One
There are several dates open!! Sign-up to dedicate Altar Flowers and the Eternal Candle for Feb-Mar 2021 is now available online by clicking the links below. Once you have reserved your date, please submit your dedication with payment no later than 2 weeks prior to your reserved date. If you have any questions or are unable to sign-up online, contact the office.
Barb's Medical Minute
Spontaneous acts of kindness, rather than scheduled good deeds bring greater feelings of well-being. Older adults who performed acts of kindness reported better physical health than those who didn’t, and they also had lower heart disease risk. So hold that door open or carry your neighbor’s groceries—it’s good for you!   
2020 Giving Statements are in the mail
If you gave over $500 to Emmanuel last year, your giving statement is on its way. Any questions can be directed to the Treasurer or Financial Secretary. They are in the office on Tuesdays to take your calls or can be emailed at treasurer@emmanuel-elca.org or finance@emmanuel-elca.org.
Please DO NOT leave food outside the office or at church
Food donations for the South County Food Pantry should be taken directly to the South County Food Pantry located at 121 Warfield Avenue, Venice. The church is not collecting on a regular basis at this time. Their website states their hours vary so call before you go! 941.408.2911.
Readings for This Week
February 7th
5th Sunday after Epiphany
Isaiah 40:21-31
Psalm 147:1-11,20c
1 Corinthians 9:16-23
Mark 1:29-39
February 14th
Transfiguration of Our Lord
2 Kings: 2:1-12
Psalm 50:1-6
2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Mark 9:2-9
Registration Information
  • You may also register for this coming weekend as well as next weekend through our website www.emmanuel-elca.org.
  • When you register for worship and find your preferred service is full, please contact the office. Note: The 11am worship always has room for more!!
  • If you need to edit or cancel your registration, use the links provided in the email confirmation you receive when registering.
Remember these guidelines when coming to worship:

  • 6 feet social distancing requirements - do not crowd pews.  
  • Remember to wear a mask with nose and mouth covered and use the hand sanitizer available in the narthex or pews.
  • Please do not stop in the narthex or inside the sanctuary.
  • Wait for the ushers to dismiss your row. They start at the back of the sanctuary. For everyone’s safety and proper distancing, follow the ushers instructions

Reminder: Please wear your Name Badges when attending worship so we know who you are while wearing your face masks!!! Also, please silence your cell phone out of consideration for all worshippers.
For your information...
As a gentle reminder to everyone, if you have been exposed to COVID in any way or are not feeling well, please follow self-management steps to ensure you are not exposing other members of our congregation. Your cooperation is very much appreciated by everyone. In addition, should you contract COVID, please notify the church office for contact tracing.

Emmanuel is currently in Stage 2 of our Reopening Roadmap. Stage 2 does allow limited activities on our Church campus; if you decide you would like to resume an allowed ministry, see Reopening Roadmap; you need to contact the Executive Committee to confirm the protocols you will be following; conforming to the Reopening Roadmap.
  • Want to know more about some of the items in eNews? When viewing the eNews online or on your mobile device and you see the pointing finger when running your mouse over a graphic or text, you will be able to link to more information such as a flyer, website, etc. Try it with the top picture of the church!!

  • Devotional/worship: Sunday Worship is posted after 8:30am to the website and the 10am service is live-streamed on FaceBook. Thursdays Together with Pastor Hall is accessible through the Zoom link above. All previous worship services are also available through our website by clicking on the Vimeo logo in the upper left corner of the posted video on the website.

  • Check out Emmanuel's website to view upcoming events, Sunday's announcement PowerPoint, and pictures of events as available.
Contact us at...
Emmanuel Contact Information

Cell Phone for Emergencies: 612.840.7798
Visitation Pastor; Pastor Dave Hess: linda.hess@gmail.com
Cell Phone for Emergencies: 610.216.3394
Cell Phone for Emergencies: 941.586.8066
Kelley Hurlburt: khurlburt@emmanuel-elca.org
Becky Rothgery: info@emmanuel-elca.org
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
790 Tamiami Trail S
Venice, FL 34285
Office Hours: M-Th
Closed Friday