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Yoga on Tuesday, January 21
in the Zabor Room
Gentle Yoga at 10am
Gentle Chair Yoga at 12pm
Please arrive 15 minutes early
Gentle Yoga is a 60-75 minute class. Please bring your own mat. If you do not have a mat, one can be provided.
Gentle Chair Yoga is a 45 minute class. No equipment or previous Yoga experience needed!
Both classes are led by JoAnne Monahan, a certified Kripalu and Chair Yoga Instructor.
If you are new to coming to Yoga, please email JoAnne before coming for the first time for information at
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Men’s Ministry
Wednesday, January 22
8:30am in Sacred Grounds
Gather for fellowship, coffee, and donuts!
Email Ken for more information at
Men's Ministry meets the second and fourth Wednesday every month
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OHAAT Delivery Volunteer Event
Saturday, January 25
*Please Note the Date Change*
8 – 11am
474 Pike Rd, Unit C, HV, PA 19006
Delivery Volunteers arrive at 8am to load the truck and return by approximately 11am after delivering beds to families.
Gloria Dei will collect the following for Bedtime Bags leading up to the event:
- New Twin Sheets (most needed item)
New Pillows
- New Blankets
- New Individual Children’s Toothbrushes
Click HERE to sign up!
Questions? Contact Ken Barber at
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Church Council News
Congratulations to the newly elected Executive Council:
- Dawn Frank, President
- Sarah Evans, Vice President
- Suzy Troemel, Secretary
- Dave Blanton, Treasurer
In November at the church's Congregation Meeting, you, the Congregation:
- Re-elected Council members: Paul Mac Donald & Bette Tumir; and
- Elected Council members: Julie Menken, Loretta Spielmann, & Suzy Troemel
A big thank you to outgoing Council members:
- Angela DiPalantino, Don Jones, and Tomea Sippio-Smith
Gloria Dei truly appreciates all that you do!
Click HERE to see Gloria Dei's Congregational Council.
Please email or speak with a current Council member with any questions or comments.
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There are now Hearing Devices available for the 10am service!
Please see a Greeter or an Usher to help you with the device and headphones so that you can hear the 10am service better!
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We are excited to announce that the Toddler Room is now open on Sundays!
This will be available during the 10am service for newborns through Pre-K. If you have a child under 1 year of age that you plan to bring to the Toddler Room, please contact Dana at so our staff is prepared.
If you are interested in working in the Toddler Room in a paid position once or twice a month, please contact Dana as well. Thank you!
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Thank you to Pastor Brendan and to our talented musicians, tech booth personnel, & ushers who brought you the Sunday, January 19 worship services.
Tech Team:
-Ken Barber
-Rick Graber
-Michael McNulty-Bobholz
-Aiden S.
-Dave Barber, percussion
-Angela DiPalantino, guitar & vocals
-Vincent Feliciano, percussion
-Jonathan Frazee, vocals
-Aaron Harris, Music Director (8:30 & 10)
-Jamie Johnson, baritone (8:30 & 10)
-Mary Jones, keyboards
-Patrick Meeks, Assistant Music Director
-Julie Menken, bass
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Feast of Justice Volunteer Packing Night
Thursday, February 13
3101 Tyson Ave., Phila., PA 19149
Meet at Feast of Justice and volunteer for their Pantry Express Pick-up (PEP) packing night!
Click HERE to register to join in on this fun volunteer opportunity! Anyone ages 10 and up can volunteer.
Volunteers put together boxes of dry goods to be distributed to families or work in the front foyer to give out the boxes and fresh food. Anywhere from 40-60 families typically receive food during a PEP shift.
Next volunteer date is Thursday, March 13.
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Tween & Teen Ice Skating Event
Sunday, February 23
Northeast Skate Zone
Middle and High Schoolers in grades 6-12, join in for this exciting event. Whether you are a seasoned skater or a beginner, this is a fun chance to glide, twirl, and enjoy the ice with friends.
Bring a friend, a family member, and your energy!
Click HERE to register. Registration includes entrance and skate rental.
Please bring money for snacks and drinks.
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Thank you to everyone who donated at the American Red Cross Blood Drive
on Monday, January 13
We had 16 people donate at the drive.
Look for details for the next blood drive in June.
Thank you for helping save lives!
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Lutheran Disaster Response is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod and Pacifica Synod to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to address immediate needs amid the destruction and assist with recovery efforts for months and years to come.
Click HERE to give now.
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Lead Pastor: Brendan Galvin,
Kids and Family: Dana Harrison,
Tweens & Teens: Dana Harrison,
Music: Aaron Harris, Music Director,; Patrick Meeks, Assistant Music Director,
Office Staff: Susan Earp, Bookkeeper,; Jennifer Suit, Office Manager,;
Property: David Stryker, Facilities Manager,; James Sylvester,
Church Council:
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:30am-3:30pm; Friday: 9:30am-1:00pm;
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