ELC eNews

The Weekly Newsletter of

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Venice, Florida

Week of January 22, 2023

Third Sunday

after Epiphany

This week at Emmanuel...

  • January 22: Worship @ 8:30, 10:00am & 11:00am
  • January 22: Sunday School @ 9:45am
  • January 22: Youth Group @ 5pm
  • January 23: WELCA Dorcas Quilting @ 9am
  • January 24: Scripture Study with Donna Bachelor @10:00am at VOTI
  • January 24: Stephen Ministry @ 5pm
  • January 24: Holy Envy Book Study @ 6pm
  • January 26: Thursdays Together, @10am, Zoom
  • January 28: Worship @ 5pm in Sanctuary

CLICK HERE to let us know you are Attending Worship this weekend

By visiting our website, you can view this weekend's worship folder

for our 10am worship, which is available on our Facebook page.

Please be patient as we work through technical issues which may affect the

viewing of our worship services.

New Pictures from recent events @ Emmanuel - click below to see the fun!

Current Events
Visit our website

This and That for the Week...Important Information Follows

Congregation Mtg

Put on your calendar!

Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, January 29th

after 11am worship

All members are encouraged to attend this important meeting!

Reports will be available for preview this weekend.

Stewardship Packets

for 2023

including Pledge Cards plus Time & Talent Sheets, will be available in the Narthex this weekend or click the links below to print.

Complete & Return by Jan 29.

Click below for more information about the various ways you can volunteer at Emmanuel.

"And there are varieties of services, but the same Lord. And there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone."

1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Opportunities for Involvment

Time and Talent 2023

Pledge Card

The Call Committee had an orientation meeting with a representative from the Synod on December 15, followed by an organizational meeting on January 9 where lead positions were filled:

  • Carol Orenstein as Chair
  • Samantha Schnittker as Chaplain
  • Maggie Merlino as Communications

The Call Committee will continue to meet on a weekly basis.


Please let us know if you have any questions.

Volunteers are needed to help in the Nursery on Sunday Mornings. If you are interested or have questions, contact Nick Sperry or give your name to Barb Spenks in the Narthex.

Garden Angels

Monday, February 6th


Will be working on the outside landscaping every first & third Mondays.

All are welcome!!

Campus Keepers are looking for folks to help once a month with small repairs at church.

Contact Lynne Ross if you can help in either area. Many hands make small work!

The New Year means tax season. The Treasurer’s office has sent out Giving Statements for 2022. We make every effort for your statement to be correct, but we’re human and we make mistakes. If you think there is an error on your statement or you have any questions please email the Treasurer at treasurer@emmanuel-elca.org and we will do our best to explain and correct your Giving Statement.



Chuck Koons

Church Treasurer

We are grateful for the continued financial support received from our members.

Giving envelopes will be available in the Narthex the weekend of January 28/29th.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Janet Aker and Bev Roesler.

A big Thank you to Cindy Reynders who has graciously offered to take over the prayer chain. ANYONE can be prayed for on the Prayer Chain. Just let Cindy or Barb Spenks know and their names will be added.

Venice Interfaith Council 2023 Series

Click the picture to visit their website

Personal Care Kits-Last Weekend!

We are beginning to collect items that will be distributed in personal care kits for the community in need. There will be several collections throughout the year.

Right now, dark towels, combs and bars of soap are being collected. Combs and soap should be individually wrapped.

Please contact Jan Quinn @ 941.223.6246 if you have questions.

Barb's Medical Minute

As we get older, some of us need to, or want to, start getting rid of stuff. I’m not talking about husbands and wives getting rid of each other, but all of our saved memorabilia. This can be really hard to do, but it can also be really liberating. (Again, not talking about spouses!). Approach this task with the attitude of letting go with love, instead of getting rid of your junk. Sometimes a cigar box is just a cigar box! Your father may have loved it but letting IT go is not the same as letting HIM go. The object is not the person! Think of someone who would love Aunt Eunice’s silver tea set or Aunt Emma’s wedding china. Make someone else happy as you downsize. It’s also kind of comforting if you take pictures of the things you are parting with for looking at and reminiscing about later. Parting is such sweet sorrow.  

Make a Dedication to a Loved One or

Celebrate a Special Occasion!!

Altar Flower Sign-up

NOW Open for 2023!!!!

Click Here for Altar Flowers, Jan-Apr 2023

Submit your payment of $35 with dedication to the church ASAP. Forms are also available in the Narthex or at the office.

Eternal Candle Sign-up

NOW Open for 2023!!

Click Here for Eternal Candle, Jan-Apr 2023

Submit the payment of $10 and dedication to the church ASAP. Forms are also available in the Narthex or at the office.

If you are unable to sign-up online, Click Here for the form to print and return with payment.

Ongoing events, collections, etc..

Dorcas Circle - Quilts - Every Monday @ 9am in Room 105/106. Jackie Miller, Leader.

Soul Sisters - Local Projects - First &Third Monday @ 1pm in the Office Center, Pat Crary, Leader.

Deborah Circle - Baby Kits - Second Tuesday @ 3pm in Room 101, Kathie Winemiller, Leader.

All women are invited to join a circle for fellowship and devotions.

Sunday School

Every Sunday at 9:45am in Room 101 & 103

Ages 5 thru Middle School

Youth Group

Every Sunday, 5-7pm in the Youth Room

Jr High thru HS

Dinner Provided!!

Click here for Friday's Group

Via Zoom

Every Friday Morning

with Birdie Clark



This Tuesday, 1-3pm

In the Room 106

All skill levels Welcomed!!

The Food Pantry Cart is located in the back of FH. You may also make a monetary donation which allows them to purchase specific product needs.

Visit their website www.southcountyfoodpantry.com

for more information.

Scripture Study

with Donna Batchelor

Same Great Study...New Name!

Every week @10:00am at VOTI

Matthew Hall, Venetian Room

Click Here to view previous videos

Thursday's Together

with Pastor Beljean 

10am via Zoom

Click the picture to join in the conversation

Stewardship and Outreach Emphasis

January 23-Feb 6 (Monday's) -- VICA Winter Series

February 7--Widows' Luncheon

February 11--Youth Dinner & Auction

February 12--New Member Orientation

February 13--Grief and Grace

February 19--New Member Celebration

February 19--Luke Little Church

February 20--Soul Sisters

February 21--Men's Breakfast

February 28--Stephen Ministry

More details for each event will be in future eNews Editions.


January 22

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 9:1-4

Psalm 27:1,4-9

1st Corinthians 1:10-18

Matthew 4:12-23

January 29

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Micah 6:1-8

Psalm 15

1st Corinthians 1:18-31

Matthew 5:1-12

Contact us at...

Interim Pastor Beljean: pastor@emmanuel-elca.org

Visitation Pastor: Pastor Dave Hess

Cell Phone for Emergencies (December - mid-May): 610.216.3394

Donna Batchelor: dbatchelor@emmanuel-elca.org

Kris Bowker: kbowker@emmanuel-elca.org

Linda Critchfield: bookkeeper@emmanuel-elca.org

Peter Doherty: pdoherty@emmanuel-elca.org

Debi Hammett: dhammett@emmanuel-elca.org

Becky Rothgery: info@emmanuel-elca.org

Barb Spenks: bspenks@emmanuel-elca.org

Nick Sperry: nsperry@emmanuel-elca.org

Gayle Strain: gstrain@emmanuel-elca.org

Counseling Services are available through:

Samaritan Counseling Services

of the Gulf Coast

Phone: 941.926.2659


Emmanuel Lutheran Church

790 Tamiami Trail S

Venice, FL 34285




Office Hours:

M-Th 8:30am-2:00pm

Closed Friday and Holidays

We are members of
Venice Mainstreet!