Synod Assembly Service Project:
Help Us Support the Harbor House of Central Florida
This year's Synod Assembly service project will benefit Harbor House of Central Florida. Harbor House is a nonprofit organization that provides safe shelter, counseling, and support services to individuals and families affected by domestic abuse.
As part of our service project, welcome baskets will be assembled that will help the survivors feel more comfortable and supported during their stay at Harbor House. These baskets will contain essential items such as toiletries and sheets to help survivors feel more at ease in their new environment. To assemble the baskets, we need your help to collect the items on this list.
Gordon and Karen Storey are our representatives and will be taking Emmanuel's donations with them to the Assembly. Please place your items in the tub located in the Narthex no later than June 4th. Click on the link above to view the requested items or pick-up a copy in the Narthex.