ELC eNews

The Weekly Newsletter of

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Venice, Florida

Week of May 21, 2023

"To Know Christ and Boldly Make Him Known"

This week at Emmanuel...

  • May 21: Worship @ 8:30am, 10:00am (aBRIDGEd)
  • May 21: Youth Sunday School @ 9:45am; Last class until Fall
  • May 21: Verost Baptism @ aBRIDGEd service
  • May 21: Honoring 2023 HS Graduates @ aBRIDGEd service
  • May 21: Youth Group @ 5pm - Last meeting until Fall
  • May 21: Luke Little Church @ 5:30pm, FH
  • May 23: Torah Tuesday with Donna Batchelor @10:00am at VOTI
  • May 23: 10am Worship Sub-committee @ 11:30am
  • May 23: Mahjong @ 12:30pm
  • May 25: Thursdays Together @ 10am via Zoom
  • May 27: Worship @ 5pm

More information about several of these events follows.

CLICK HERE to let us know you are Attending Worship this weekend.

We are now live streaming the 8:30 and 10am worship on Facebook.

New Pictures from Emmanuel.

Click below to see the fun!

Current Events
Visit our website

Worship Folders QR Codes!!!

Thanks for the feedback from those who participated late weekend. If you are able to download to your tablet at home, it is so clear and easy to read. Of course you have to remember to bring your tablet with you!!! On your cell phone, you can zoom in or turn your phone for easier reading. We'll continue to make the QR Codes available.

Below are the QR Codes for the worship folders this weekend:

  1. Scan the code with your phone or tablet using the QR Reader App
  2. Download the pdf file to your device
  3. Open it to view the worship folder
  4. Bring your device to worship and follow along!!!

Paper worship folders will still be available from the ushers as you enter worship!! These QR codes are also available to scan on one of the bulletin boards in the Narthex and on our website.

As always, remember to silence your device for worship!!


Worship Folder

5pm & 8:30am

aBRIDGEd (Contemporary)

Worship Folder

10am Sunday

This and That for the Week...Important Information Follows

Aiden and Collin are graduating!

We will be honoring these two young men at the aBRIDGEd service on May 21st.

In addition to their high school activities, these young men have helped Emmanuel in the AV and music areas.

We want to wish them future success and God's presence as they move forward.

Collin Adkins is graduating as one of the top students from Venice High school. Throughout his high school experience Collin maintained an academic GPA that resulted in him earning the Bright Futures Scholarship that will pay for his college education. He participated in Football and Weightlifting. He earned the opportunity to go to the state championships in both sports his junior and senior year. Collin acquired the most tackles of all the defensive lineman for his team during his Senior year. Collin also worked for Indian Ink, the schools marketing department where he collaborated to design and create various publications for the school's media outlets.

Collin has decided to attend Florida Atlantic University and major in Engineering.

Aiden Capps' high school career has been surrounded with a lot of music and band--from marching band all fall playing the tenors, to playing percussion in the concert band, symphonic band, wind ensemble, jazz band, and most recently the church contemporary band.

His future plans are to attend SCF for general studies initially and transfer to a university afterwards. He plans to continue to work at Sarasota National as well as he loves to also get a couple rounds of golf in each week when he isn't at school playing the drums or working at the golf course. Ha!

Monumental Video
Register Today!!

Synod Assembly Service Project:

Help Us Support the Harbor House of Central Florida


This year's Synod Assembly service project will benefit Harbor House of Central Florida. Harbor House is a nonprofit organization that provides safe shelter, counseling, and support services to individuals and families affected by domestic abuse.

As part of our service project, welcome baskets will be assembled that will help the survivors feel more comfortable and supported during their stay at Harbor House. These baskets will contain essential items such as toiletries and sheets to help survivors feel more at ease in their new environment. To assemble the baskets, we need your help to collect the items on this list.

Gordon and Karen Storey are our representatives and will be taking Emmanuel's donations with them to the Assembly. Please place your items in the tub located in the Narthex no later than June 4th. Click on the link above to view the requested items or pick-up a copy in the Narthex.

Barb's Medical Minute

New technology allows scientists to study how certain food ingredients and additives increase diabetes risk. Recently, they discovered a common preservative called propionate or propionic acid that triggers the body to produce excess glucose. This could lead to diabetes and obesity. Propionate is found in everything from bread to pudding and cheese. Sometimes I really wish there was less progress in certain areas so that we can enjoy stuff a bit more and be just a little pleasantly ignorant!! 

Blessings to all our are graduates. Especially Aiden and Collin!

Make a Dedication to a Loved One or

Celebrate a Special Occasion!!

2023 Altar Flower Sign-up

Click Here for Altar Flowers

Submit your payment of $35 with dedication to the church ASAP. Forms are also available in the Narthex or at the office.

2023 Eternal Candle Sign-up

Click Here for Eternal Candle

Submit the payment of $10 and dedication to the church ASAP. Forms are also available in the Narthex or at the office.

If you are unable to sign-up online, Click Here for the form to print and return with payment.

Ongoing events, collections, etc..

Dorcas Circle - Quilts - Every other Monday @ 9am in Room 105/106. Jackie Miller, Leader.

Soul Sisters - Local Projects - First &Third Monday @ 1pm in the Office Center, Pat Crary, Leader.

Deborah Circle - Baby Kits - Second Tuesday @ 3pm in Room 101, Kathie Winemiller, Leader.

All women are invited to join a circle for fellowship and devotions.

Sunday School

Every Sunday at 9:45am in Room 101 & 103

Ages 5 thru Middle School

On Hiatus for the summer beginning May 28th

Youth Group

Every Sunday, 5-7pm in the Youth Room

Jr High thru HS

Dinner Provided!

On hiatus for the summer beginning May 28th

Garden Angels

1st & 3rd Mondays

8:00 am

Come and help keep our church grounds and gardens beautiful!!

Campus Keepers

3rd Thursdays


Working on small projects inside the campus buildings.

Click here to join the meeting

Via Zoom

Every Monday Morning

with Birdie Clark



This Tuesday, 12:30-3pm

Room 106

All skill levels Welcomed!!

The Food Pantry Cart is located in the Welcome Center. You may also make a monetary donation which allows them to purchase

specific product needs.

Visit their website www.southcountyfoodpantry.com

for more information.

Torah Tuesday

with Donna Batchelor

Every week @10:00am at VOTI

in Matthew Hall,

Renaissance Room

Click Here to view previous videos

Thursday's Together

10am via Zoom

Click the picture to join in the conversation

Stewardship and Outreach Emphasis for Month

The Pantry Really Needs CASH to cover the summer months and to allow their volunteer buyers to keep the shelves full of disposable foods, ie milk, bread, eggs, etc. You may place your cash donations in a pew envelope and/or indicate for the Food Pantry on your check. The funds will be gathered for the month and then the total amount collected will be given to the Pantry which will be matched by THE FLANZER TRUST FUND.

Visit their Website

June 1--VBS Work Week - volunteers needed

June 4--Tentative Meet and Greet

June 5-9--VBS Monumental

June 6--Widow's Luncheon

June 8-10--Synod Assembly

June 20--Men's Breakfast

More details for each event will be in future eNews Editions.


May 21

Seventh Sunday of Easter

Acts 1:6-14

Psalm 68:1-10,32-35

1 Peter 4:12-14;5:6-11

John 17:1-11

May 28

Day of Pentecost

Acts 2:1-21

Psalm 104:24-34;35b

1 Corinthians12:3b-13

John 20:19-23

Contact us at...

Interim Pastor Dennis Meyette: p[email protected]

Pastor Dave Hess, Visitation Pastor: Cell Phone for Emergencies: 610.216.3394

Kris Bowker, Worship & Music Director: [email protected]

Linda Critchfield, Bookkeeper: [email protected]

Peter Doherty, Property: [email protected]

Debi Hammett, Office Coordinator: [email protected]

Becky Rothgery, Office Coordinator: [email protected]

Barb Spenks, Parish Nurse: [email protected]

Nick Sperry, Youth Director: [email protected]

Chuck Koons, Treasurer: [email protected]

Counseling Services are available through:

Samaritan Counseling Services

of the Gulf Coast

Phone: 941.926.2959


Emmanuel Lutheran Church

790 Tamiami Trail S

Venice, FL 34285

[email protected]



Office Hours:

M-Th 8:30am-2:00pm

Closed Friday and Holidays

We are members of
Venice Mainstreet!