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Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 26
in the church parking lot
Bounce House! Blow Up Obstacle Course! Popcorn Machine!
Register by Wednesday, October 23
Youth & Adult Volunteers Needed!
Click HERE to register as a Trunk Host (3pm arrival), Trunk or Treater (4-6pm), or both!
Trunk Hosts
- Plan to have enough items for 100 Trunk or Treaters
NO peanut products
Volunteers Needed!
- 2-4 adults to supervise the bounce house and obstacle course
- Teenagers to do check-ins and run the popcorn station
Click HERE to register as a Volunteer or email
The weather for Saturday looks beautiful!
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Yoga on Tuesdays in the Zabor Room
Next Sessions are on October 22
Gentle Yoga at 10AM
Gentle Chair Yoga at 12PM
Please arrive 15 minutes early
Gentle Yoga is a 60-75 minute class. Please bring your own mat. If you do not have a mat, one can be provided.
Gentle Chair Yoga is a 45 minute class. No equipment or previous Yoga experience needed!
Both classes are led by JoAnne Monahan, a certified Kripalu and Chair Yoga Instructor.
If you are new to coming to Yoga, please email JoAnne before coming for the first time for information at
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Men’s Ministry
Wednesday, October 23
8:30AM in Sacred Grounds
Gather for fellowship, coffee, and donuts!
Email Ken for more information at
Men's Ministry meets the second and fourth Wednesday every month
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Celebration Sunday!
Sunday, October 27
Join us for Celebration Sunday when Gloria Dei commemorates its 68th Anniversary during both the 8:30am and 10am services!
There will be a gathering in the Library Lounge after both services to celebrate all the good God has done and will continue to do through this community.
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Thank you to Pastor Brendan and to our talented musicians, tech booth personnel, greeters, & ushers who brought you the Sunday, October 20 worship service.
Tech Team:
-Michael McNulty-Bobholz
-James Sylvester
-Dave Barber, percussion
-Gary Burger, bass
-Angela DiPalantino, guitar & vocals
-Vincent Feliciano, percussion
-Jonathan Frazee, vocals
-Chris Schmer, Praise Band Leader
-Lisa Thomas, piano (8:30am)
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Thank you to everyone who helped Gloria Dei Church pack 10,000 meals!
We had 60 volunteers of all ages stay after worship on Sunday, October 20 to assemble meals that will help families struggling with hunger. We couldn't have done it without all of you!
Thank you as well to Donald from Rise Against Hunger and Rick Graber from Thrivent for partnering with Gloria Dei to run this event.
Great fun was had by all as we worked together to make an impact on the issue of world hunger. "It starts with a meal, and it starts with you!"
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Thank you to the Gloria Dei Volunteers who helped OHAAT on Saturday, October 19!
Thank you to the Warehouse Volunteers who sorted donations and packed bedtime bags, and thank you to the Delivery Volunteers who delivered beds and the bedtime bags to families in the Philadelphia area.
Click HERE to donate funds or goods online.
OHAAT’s mission is to provide children and youth living in poverty with beds, bedding, and tools that encourage healthy bedtime habits, so they can get the quality and sufficient sleep they need to thrive.
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Church Council Elections
Church Council offers an exciting opportunity to serve at Gloria Dei!
Do you have a passion and energy for the church? Do you want to help the church keep moving forward? Then consider running for Church Council!
Click HERE for the job description and application if you are interested in being part of this important leadership team! Paper copies are also on the Chapel and Sanctuary tables.
Questions? Email JoAnne Monahan, Nominating Committee Chair, at, or speak with a current Council member. Click HERE to see your current members.
Thursday, October 31 is the deadline to submit your application
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Congregational Lunch & Meeting
Sunday, November 10 following ONE 10am service
Lunch served immediately
Meeting to begin at 11:30am
You will receive several reports with current and past year updates about programs, finances, and activities happening at Gloria Dei Church. We will also elect Church Council members (see above).
Click HERE to register to reserve your lunch by Tuesday, November 5.
Be part of what's next at Gloria Dei!
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Feast of Justice Volunteer Packing Night
Thursday, November 7
3101 Tyson Ave., Phila., PA 19149
Meet at Feast of Justice and volunteer for their Pantry Express Pick-up (PEP) packing night!
Volunteers put together boxes of dry goods to be distributed to families or work in the front foyer to give out the boxes and fresh food. Anywhere from 40-60 families typically receive food during a PEP shift.
Click HERE to register to join in on this fun volunteer opportunity!
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Socks for the Streets
6th Annual Sock Drive
Gloria Dei is collecting NEW socks now through November 15
There will be a Socks for the Streets bin in the back of the Sanctuary.
Bring your sock donations with you to church on Sundays or to the church office during the week.
"Our mission is to warm the feet and hearts of those in need."
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ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response
The situation:
Hurricanes Helene and Milton have left devastation throughout the southeastern U.S. These storms caused shocking, dangerous flooding, washing away whole towns and roads, leaving millions of people without power, and driving thousands from their homes.
Our response:
Lutheran Disaster Response works with its partners to provide immediate relief, such as water, food, clothing, gift cards, tarps and other needs as well as support on the long road to recovery with disaster case management, construction management, attention to unmet needs, and emotional and spiritual care.
What you can do:
Please pray for the safety of communities impacted by hurricanes, including people in their paths and any emergency services personnel who are responding. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.
Gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response equip us to respond to those affected by hurricanes and related disasters, such as mudslides, severe storms and flooding. Gifts to “Hurricane Response" will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by hurricanes, until the response is complete.
Click HERE to donate online
- To give by phone, call 800-638-3522
- Checks or money orders can be mailed to: Lutheran Disaster Response; P.O. Box 1809; Merrifield, VA 22116-8009
Spread the word throughout your congregation and community to give Lutheran Disaster Response an even greater impact as it serves our neighbors on the long road to recovery.
Tell them to go to
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Lead Pastor: Brendan Galvin,
Kids and Family: Dana Harrison,
Tweens & Youth: Dana Harrison
Praise Band Leader: Chris Schmer,
Office Staff: Susan Earp, Bookkeeper,; Jennifer Suit, Office Manager,;
Property: David Stryker, Facilities Manager,; James Sylvester,
Church Council:
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM; Friday: 9:30AM-1:00PM
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