ELC eNews

The Weekly Newsletter of

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Venice, Florida

Sixteenth Sunday

after Pentecost

Week of September 25, 2022

This week at Emmanuel...
  • September 25: Worship @ 8:30am &10:00am
  • September 25: Sunday School @ 9:45, Room 103
  • September 25: Youth Group @ 5pm
  • September 26: Spiritual Care Giver Training @ 10:30am
  • September 27: Torah Tuesday @ 10am
  • September 27: Mahjong @ 1pm
  • September 29: Thursdays Together @ 10am
  • October 1: Worship @ 5pm
CLICK HERE to let us know you are Attending Worship this Weekend!
By clicking below, you can view this weekend's worship folder and the corresponding worship service on our website, which will be available as soon
the service is posted on Sunday.

Click below to see pictures of current activities happening in and around our church!
Current Events
Visit our website
This and That for the Week...important information follows

Ask a Youth...

It's not too early to start thinking about the holidays-after all the retail stores are already filing their shelves!

Christmas greenery orders are being taken NOW through November 1 from any youth. Delivery the weeks of November 28 and December 5 (if needed).

Funds from this youth fundraiser will go toward their trip to Slovakia planned for June 2023.

Barb's Medical Minute

I came across these interesting “tidbits”:

  1. Marinate meat between 30 min. and 2 hours. Any longer and the enzymes in the marinade can cause meat to be mushy, or in others make food tough.
  2. For clothes that smell like smoke, French fries, or anything else you don’t want to smell like, fill a small spray bottle with Vodka and spritz your clothes, (not your mouth!) The alcohol kills bacteria and removes strong odors. So, if you spill your martini on yourself, I guess it isn’t all bad.
  3. A houseplant can filter as much as 20% of nitrogen dioxide (car exhaust) out of the air. Great if you live or work by a busy road, and hopefully you won’t kill the plant like I usually do.
  4. Grilling your food is healthy because it allows fat to drip off and not be reabsorbed in the food and it is cooked quickly thereby retaining more nutrients. And no stove or pots and pans to clean!!  

Spiritual Care Giver Training

For anyone who would like to be hospital visitor, (officially called a Spiritual Care Giver), and all those who have already shown an interest, there will be a training session this Monday, Sept. 26th in the church office at 10:30 am for you. Hoping to see A LOT of you there! 

Any questions or concerns, contact Barb Spenks, 941-488-4942.

Marion Boehmer, Erika Fenton, Dan & Barbara Horswell, Pat Ross &

Pat Walther.

Prayers are offered for the friends and family of Diane Vander Kraats who died September 17th.  Services pending.

"We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support for our mentoring program. Many children have benefitted greatly by having a mentor in their life, which was possible thanks to your support. Thank you very much."

--Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast

"We are so grateful for your generous donation. Your support to help fund meals for our disabled and homebound residents who cannot afford the cost of a meal is greatly appreciated."

--Venice Area Mobile Meals, Inc.

Altar Flower Sign-up
Now open through 2022!!
Click the picture and sign-up for a weekend. Submit your payment of $30 with dedication to the church ASAP. Forms are also available in the Narthex or at the office.
Eternal Candle Sign-up
Now open through 2022!!
Click the picture and sign-up for a weekend. Submit the payment of $10 and dedication to the church ASAP. Forms are also available in the Narthex or at the office.
Ongoing events, collections, etc..
Get your Blood Pressure checked

The first full weekend of
every month

Dorcas Circle - Quilts - Every other Monday @ 9am in Room 105/106 beginning August 8th. Jackie Miller, Leader. In need of sheets, any size, color, fitted or flat.

Soul Sisters - Local Projects - First &Third Monday @ 1pm in the Office Center, Pat Crary, Leader.(Beginning September 19 with the exception of Labor Day.)

Deborah Circle - Baby Kits - Second Tuesday @ 3pm in Room 101, Kathie Winemiller, Leader. Our next meeting is scheduled for October 11 at 3 pm, Rowe Hall, Rm 101 Judy Daniels will present a program written by Ann Nestor based on familiar hymns.  

All women are invited to join a circle for fellowship and devotions.

The nursery will be open but unattended during the summer months

Sunday School

Every Sunday at 9:45am in Room 103

Ages 5 thru HS

Youth Group

Every Sunday, 5-7pm in the Youth Room

Jr High thru HS

Dinner Provided!!

Click here for Friday's Group
Via Zoom
Every Monday Morning with Susan Holm 9:45-10:45am
Every Friday Morning with Birdie Clark 9:30-10:15am
Contact Susan for Monday link


This Tuesday, 1-3pm

In the Room 106

All skill levels Welcomed!!

The Food Pantry Cart is located in the Narthex. You may also make a monetary donation which allows them to purchase specific product needs.
Visit their website www.southcountyfoodpantry.com
for more information.
Torah Tuesdays
with Donna Batchelor
Every Tuesday
in Sanctuary
Click Here to view previous
Torah Tuesday videos

Thursday's Together

10am via Zoom

Join in the conversion around the gospel for the week.
This is a self-study focusing on the Gospel for the following week.

Copies are available in the wall holders at the
Sanctuary exits and the Narthex entrances.
Click on the picture to the left to view online.
Stewardship and Outreach Emphasis

October 4--Widows' Luncheon

October 4--Mahjong

October 8/9--Showcase of Service & Ministries

October 11-November 8--Grief & Grace

October 10-16--Family Promise on campus

October 15/16 & 22/23--Habitat For Humanity Snack Collection

October 18--Men's Breakfast

October 22--Mid Gulf Conference

October 22--GWOH Activity--VABI "Making a Difference" Day

October 26--Confirmation Banquet

October 20--November 10--Book Study

October 29--Reformation Weekend

October 30--Confirmation

More details for each event will be in future

eNews Editions.


September 25

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Amos 6:1a,4-7

Psalm 146

First Timothy 6:6-19

Luke 16:19-31

October 2

Seventeenth Sunday

after Pentecost

Habakkuk 1:1-4,2:1-4

Psalm 37:1-9

Second Timothy 1:1-14

Luke 17:5-10

Contact us at...

Pastor Hall: rhall@emmanuel-elca.org

Cell Phone for Emergencies: 612.840.7798

Visitation Pastor: Pastor Dave Hess

Cell Phone for Emergencies (October - mid-May): 610.216.3394

Donna Batchelor: dbatchelor@emmanuel-elca.org

Kris Bowker: kbowker@emmanuel-elca.org

Linda Critchfield: bookkeeper@emmanuel-elca.org

Peter Doherty: pdoherty@emmanuel-elca.org

Debi Hammett: dhammett@emmanuel-elca.org

Becky Rothgery: info@emmanuel-elca.org

Barb Spenks: bspenks@emmanuel-elca.org

Nick Sperry: nsperry@emmanuel-elca.org

Gayle Strain: gstrain@emmanuel-elca.org

Emmanuel Lutheran Church
790 Tamiami Trail S
Venice, FL 34285
Office Hours:
M-Th 8:30am-2:00pm
Closed Friday and Holidays
We are members of
Venice Mainstreet!