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Maximizing opportunities to meet the needs of all students for a meaningful life

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Superintendent's Corner Column

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

“Many hands make light work.” John Heywood

October 2, 2022

Good morning Ramapo Indian Hills!

The beginning of the school year continues to be a positive and constructive start to what we intend to be a successful journey for our entire learning community. There is a great amount of energy and enthusiasm as we close out September and head into the fall season. Back to School Nights as well as our APTS & PTSO meetings were well attended and an excellent source of information. Thank you to all of our parents for your support to help us meet the needs of our staff and all of our students.

We kicked off the year with our first joint Student Council meeting with representatives from Indian Hills and Ramapo High Schools. Our first meeting created an opportunity to share highlights to the start of the school year and areas our students would like to focus our efforts as we embark on our important work together. We look forward to our continued collaborative partnerships that will benefit the progress of our school district.

Our strategic planning efforts continued this September with our stakeholders represented on the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. We coordinated our most recent meeting on Friday, September 30th, where we continued to analyze feedback from students, staff, and parents from recent Thought Exchanges. As your Superintendent of Schools, I will be providing an update at an upcoming Board of Education meeting on the progress of the committee and our next steps. More information on the progress of our strategic plan process may be found on the District website under the Strategic Plan header tab. We look forward to developing a thoughtful plan inclusive of community feedback that will guide our strategies for years to come.

Thank you for your support of our schools. I am proud to serve alongside a dedicated Board of Education, educators, parents, and community members. When we work together, lofty goals can be achieved.

All my best,

Dr. Rui Dionisio

Superintendent of Schools

A Message from our Board of Education President

Upcoming Assessments 

At Wednesday night’s Board of Education meeting, the district calendar revisions were approved reflecting Wednesday, October 12 as an early dismissal for students.  The freshmen, sophomore, and  junior classes will participate in the PSAT assessment, while the seniors will follow programming designed by each school.  

The PSAT stands for Preliminary SAT and is a standardized assessment that provides first hand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test. The PSAT/NMSQT measures critical reading, math problem-solving, and writing skills. We administer this exam in order for students to receive feedback about their academic strengths and weaknesses, enter the competition for National Merit Scholar scholarships and help prepare for the SAT.

Students do NOT need to register for the PSAT and the district covers the cost of the assessment. Students must be in their assigned testing classroom at 7:35AM on the day of testing. We will inform them of their room assignment prior to the assessment date. After the assessment is complete students will have an early dismissal from school. A reminder will be sent closer to the test, but please mark this critical date on your calendar!

Counselor's Corner

The RIH Guidance Departments hosted the annual College Panel on Tuesday, September 27th. This panel featured Admissions representatives from High Point University, Marist College, Michigan State University, Ramapo College and San Diego State University. Objectives of the evening included developing an understanding of the admissions review process from the perspective of Admissions Counselors, identifying trends in college admissions, and providing guidance to students and parents on the transition to college. A mock application read and guided question and answer period was facilitated by Mrs. Jennifer Perry, the RHS Guidance Supervisor.

Student Council At Work

The Indian Hills Student Council Representatives met with the Ramapo Student Council Representatives to discuss the opening of the school year, collaborate on goals, and to develop student leadership and advocacy skills. This monthly meeting between the student leaders of both schools provides an opportunity for district and building administrators to work directly with student leaders on initiatives designed to engage our school community and to continually assess and adjust to the needs of our students.

The IHHS Council Members are (left to right): Aayush Parekh (Secretary), Jebriel Tantawi (Treasurer), Kinjal Patel (Senior BOE Student Rep), Rhys Burgess (Vice President), and Trey Esak (President).

Hands On Learning

The Indian Hills Horticulture students completed the annual installation of the IHHS Mums floral garden at Hank Boggio Field.  Special thanks to a generous contribution from PAC that helps us to engage our students in hands-on learning experiences while also adding beauty and spirit to our campus.  #Go Hills!

Community Service Fair 

RHS Community Service Fair was held on Friday, September 23rd. Non-profit organizations seeking volunteers were in attendance to connect with students looking for community service hours and connection. Lunch was donated by the Shoprite of Wyckoff.

Athletic Achievements

Senior QB Jack Grusser was voted Super Football Conference Player of the Week.  See the attached press release

Congratulations to our Girls Tennis Team!  They captured the Bergen County Tournament Championship.  Way to go Coach Marchese and our team!

Women in Sports

On September 18th, Victoria Jolakian had the honor of attending the NJSIAA Title IX 50th Anniversary Luncheon where select elite female athletes from all across New Jersey gathered to listen to a panel of monumental women in sports. The panelists included Val Ackerman, Big East Commissioner and record-breaking basketball athlete, Bonnie Bernstein, a National sports journalist, Joetta Clarke-Diggs, 4-time Track and Field Olympian, and Cathy Rush, Hall of Fame basketball coach for Immaculate College. At the conference, all four panelists shared emotional and inspiring stories of their athletic and lifetime accomplishments. Victoria commented, “Listening to their detrimental setbacks was empowering and motivated me to always give my all in my own sport, golf. Even when sports programs were cut and all hope was lost, this never affected their determination to keep showing up. After talking with Olympian Joetta Clarke-Diggs and Basketball coach Cathy Rush (pictured below), one key piece of advice that I will take with me for the future is to never give up and face the next challenge day by day. I’ve learned to be proud of my accomplishments and persevere through hardships. I am so thankful that I received the opportunity to attend the Title IX Luncheon. I was proud to represent Ramapo and act on my passion to advocate for girls golf and women in sports.”

School Calendar

The 2022 - 2023 School Calendar has been revised, Board approved and is posted on the District website. The revisions include an early dismissal for students and a professional development afternoon for staff on October 12 and the addition of Marking Period dates. The updated School Calendar may be accessed below or by clicking here

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Connect to Hills Athletic Schedules
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Connect to  Po Athletic Schedules

Welcome to the

Ramapo High School APTS

Association of Parents, Teachers & Students

Welcome to the 

Indian Hills High School PTSO

Parent, Teacher, Student Organization

Visit our Website
Visit our Website
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The Ramapo Indian Hills Board of Education implemented a new video streaming platform on our District webpage. RIH Board of Education meetings may be viewed directly on our District website by clicking here or at the following link:

Archived Board of Education videos may be accessed at the following link. Additional information is available on the District webpage under the Board of Ed tab at the top of the page.



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