Weekend Plans: Have Fun at Home!
Dear Providence Residents,

I hope you and your families are staying safe and well. We have compiled a list of at-home activities for all ages to enjoy while staying safe at home this weekend! We would love to hear from you at on your favorite at-home activities to include in our next newsletter.

With Gratitude,
Supervisor Dalia Palchik

Activities For Your Little Ones!
Try these tips to keep your Pre-K kiddos busy this weekend:
  1. Toy Parade: Tape lines on the carpet and set out some tiny toys to have a giant parade.
  2. Box Road: Cut open a box and draw a road in marker. Bring out cars, blocks, animals and make a town.
  3. Toy Hide & Seek: Pick a toy to play hide and seek with (puzzles are great). Hide the pieces for your child to find.
  4. Make a Fort: Be epic! Bonus points: have lunch INSIDE the fort, read books in the fort, bring in toys.
  5. Make Paper Airplanes: Learn how to make paper planes and teach your child. Have races.
  6. Bake Cookies: Bonus points: Open the cookbook and pick a NEW recipe.
  7. Send Letters: “Write” letters and make pictures for family and friends – actually mail them!
  8. Pillow Lava: Put every pillow and cushion on the floor for a “pillow lava” experience.

School Age Children: Explore the Environment
Fairfax County Field Journal
Kids are encouraged to use the journal to discover their backyard and neighborhood while practicing social distancing. The journal is full of ideas for exploring nature through art, writing, and science. The activities are a great way to engage young minds until distance learning begins. The arrival of spring means there are lots of interesting changes to observe. 

Conservation Poster Contest
Calling all student artists! The Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District is seeking students to design posters to submit to the 2020 Youth Poster Contest. The theme for this year is Where would we BEE without Pollinators?  

  • Follow the contest rules
  • Posters should be submitted digitally as a .jpeg, .png, or similar file format.
  • Posters and images may be of any size.
  • When photographing or scanning your poster for submission, be sure that the entire poster is clear and visible, the image is appropriately cropped, and the photo accurately reflects the original poster. 
  • Submit entries to Ashley Palmer, Conservation Education Specialist. An entry form should accompany your entry; download the entry form here

All Ages: Thank a Veteran
Write A Letter of Gratitude
Every Operation Gratitude Care Package includes a bundle of letters from the American people, thanking Troops, Veterans, New Recruits, or Wounded Heroes and their Caregivers for their service to our country. Care Package recipients tell us these letters, notes, and drawings are the most cherished items in their box.

  • Start with a salutation relevant to who you are writing to. For example: Dear Veteran/First Responder/Caregiver etc.
  • Share a little about yourself: Family, Hobbies, Work, School, Pets, Travel, etc.
  • Talk about life and interests: Sports, Weather, Music, Movies, Food, Books, etc.
  • Please do not include a date or year on your letter.
  • Register for letter writing with Operation Gratitude

At Home Activities for Adults: Keep Yourself Busy
  1. Cook New Recipes: We all get set in our cooking ways. It’s time to try a recipe we’ve never tried before, especially using what we have in the cabinet already.
  2. Quilting: Quilting is a creative outlet, and can be great for your long term health.
  3. Make a Scrapbook: It’s time to put all of those amazing pictures to good use.
  4. Start a blog! This one might seem a bit daunting, but you have so much to share with the world. There are many online tutorials on starting a blog.
  5. Find a Penpal: Letter writing is already becoming a lost art. Let’s keep it alive.
  6. Online Games: Try your hand at chess, checkers or one of many games you knew as a kid. Play against people around the world with many online sites.
  7. Puzzles: Enjoy a picture puzzle, sudoku, or a crossword puzzle.
  8. Build your Family Tree: Learn about who you are and the people who helped make you who you are. Put together a family tree for your whole family and see how far back you can research.
  9. Arts and Crafts: Pick up one of endless crafting ideas and create something beautiful in your own home.
  10. Explore a New Language: There are many opportunities for language learning online, on your phone, or in books which you can order. It’s NEVER to late to unlock a whole new world.

Watch the Fairfax Story Tellers Series
These are the real storytellers—the business owners, employees, artists, and farmers who call Fairfax County home. These folks are bound together by passion, craftsmanship, and authenticity.

Contact Us
We want to hear from you! Please reach out to us with questions, comments or just to say hello.
Office Phone : (703) 560-6946
Email us HERE if you would like events included in our newsletter or you would like a member of our team to join your HOA meeting.
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