Communicate with Clarity.
PRowl with Purpose.

PRowl Communicator          January 9, 2024

Good Morning Debi;

Well, the first week of the year is one and done! Amazing how quickly we move from relaxed and enjoying free time to right back at 'er, full steam ahead! And with it being a new year, we are energized more than ever, determined to kick start the year on a positive note!

So don't forget - if you haven't completed our annual update and very mini-survery, please do so (it will take you less than 3 minutes to complete - probably less than 2). You can access it here -- it is just my way of making sure your contact details are correct - and I ask a few easy questions about your goals and marketing plans for 2024. We use this to see what is trending each year - I'll fill you in on the results in a few weeks.


Continuing on our themes for January, 'Get Organized Month, International Creativity Month, National Clean Up Your Computer Month, and National Hobby Month' we have put together some interesting content for you below... Yesterday, was clean your desk day - and I think for the first time ever, my desk was already clean. That being said -- I do still need to do something to clean up the computer...

Also - we're bringing back Connectfest Niagara! We ran this event in 2016 with over 200 registered, the event was well attended and talked about for months. The first step in making it happen again - is the call for speakers (details below). Mark April 11th on your calendar, you won't want to miss this one day marketing & networking conference.

Of course, it wouldn't be right to not have a New Year, New You headshot offer - it continues all month long. Read why you need one... Special pricing to kick off the year - just $30/photo when having your team's portraits done, or $50 for an individual... Contact Mackenzie to book your session.

Oh, and one more thing - PRowl Communications, Telltale Studios, Connecting Niagara and Niagara Business Directory have been nominated for the Niagara Community Awards, I would love it if you would take the time to also nominate us - this is how we move to the next round.. We're under services in a variety of categories! Thank you in advance.

Networking: (Local Niagara)

Clients & Cocktails Networking - this week we will be in Thorold - if you would like an invite, message me for the details! Friday, 3:30 - 6:00 pm.

Don't forget if you're local, add your business to the NIAGARA BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

We're Bringing Connectfest Back

Call for Speakers | Connectfest Niagara

Call for Speakers: Connectfest Niagara coincides with National Marketing Operations Appreciation Day. We're seeking dynamic and insightful speakers to contribute to this transformative day.

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Tackling Organization

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How SMBs Can Streamline Operations to Optimize Growth

Automate repetitive tasks

Companies lose up to 30% of revenue every year due to inefficiency. In other words, efficiency is key. Instead of allocating so much of your time to core business tasks, you should be able to focus on making higher-level decisions. 

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At PRowl we have a variety of tools to help automate your tasks and processes, tools for marketing, and 35 years of experience to guide you to streamlining and optimizing your business for growth. Yes, we're a marketing agency but we're also consultants able to assist in a variety of areas to grow your business.

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Creativity in Business

Creativity is more than pretty pictures

These five types of thinking are crucial in the creative process, especially within a business context. Let's briefly outline each:

  1. Divergent Thinking: This type of thinking is all about generating multiple ideas or solutions to a given problem. It's characterized by exploring many possible solutions, often in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner, without immediate judgment or analysis. This is crucial in brainstorming sessions and when trying to come up with innovative concepts.
  2. Convergent Thinking: Convergent thinking is the opposite of divergent thinking. It's about narrowing down the multiple ideas generated during the divergent thinking process to select the best solution. This involves critical thinking, evaluation, and decision-making to converge on the most viable and effective idea.
  3. Lateral Thinking: Lateral thinking involves thinking outside the box. It's about looking at problems from new angles and perspectives, challenging the status quo, and seeking unorthodox solutions. This type of thinking is essential for breakthrough innovations and solving complex problems in unique ways.
  4. Abstract Thinking: Abstract thinking involves dealing with ideas and concepts that are not immediately associated with concrete realities. This type of thinking allows for conceptualizing and understanding complex ideas that are not easily visualized or understood through direct observation, which is key in strategic planning and high-level decision-making.
  5. Reflective Thinking: Reflective thinking involves looking back at past experiences, ideas, and processes to evaluate and learn from them. It's an introspective process that helps in understanding the 'why' and 'how' behind outcomes, which is essential for continuous improvement and learning in a business environment.

Together, these five types of thinking contribute to a holistic and robust creative process in business, enabling innovative solutions and effective problem-solving. Reach out to Steve here at PRowl for insight in creative thinking and growing your business.

Hobbies & Business


Niagara professional studio photography - business, professional, profile photos and portfolios available. Mac's photography was the inspiration for Telltale Studios by PRowl.

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Mackenzie Katsmar

Between work and school Mackenzie has a number of hobbies that he is quite passionate about.

Movies and T.V shows are a big passion of his, critiquing and trying to understand the creative decisions within cinema and the stories portrayed by them. Often times focusing on cinematography and lighting within movie scenes.


From a young age until his mid 20s Mackenzie didn’t consider himself a creative person. Now learning new creative avenues is an important aspect of his life. Learning how to draw, creatively write, or new ways of editing are examples of some of the creative things he’s learning now.


Physical and mental health are important things within his life. Focusing on creating joy for himself and reducing any body pain Mackenzie focuses on improving his physical health at the gym primarily with weight training. His mental health focus is on learning new ways to communicate with loved ones and gathering a deeper understanding of mental barriers like Autism and ADHD.


Stop worrying about what can go wrong, and get excited about what can go right.

Connect With Us

Check out our marketing resources , and some of the websites we've built for our clients. Call us any time - we're always happy to help.

Debi Katsmar

Marketing Strategist

Certified Zoho CRM Administrator

Email Marketing Specialist

PRowl Communications

O:905-734-8273 or 289-362-4004

Our Website

Take Our Quiz

Digital Dinosaur or Digital Pro

Mackenzie Katsmar

Multi-Media Marketing Strategist


Steve Simkus

Business Development &

Marketing Strategist


Book A Consultation with Steve

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Digital Dinosaur or Digital Pro QUIZ

Take the Digital Dinosaur Quiz and discover where you stand in today's digital landscape. Get personalized insights to drive your business forward.

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