Happy Spring Mamas!
This spring is hopping --- I just led another great group for my Mama Tree Prenatal Yoga Training, and in a few days I will be heading to China to teach Mama Tree Levels 1 and 2 as well! 

+++ Here in the Bay Area after the strong response from February's successful workshop on Yoga for the Pelvic Floor I'm so excited to announce that I will be hosting my FIRST weekend retreat for women at new and beautiful 1440 Multiversity in the Santa Cruz Mountains where we dig into this very topic of the pelvic floor even more and take some much needed time away for R&R.

Registration is now up --- join me July 6 - 8, 2018!

NOTE: This weekend retreat is open to ALL women of ALL ages.
Preggo mamas too! Scroll below to learn even more about it 
⬇️ .

+++ In this Spring Mama's Newsletter issue: I'm thrilled to share Sarah Lacy's  5 Survival Tips for Mamas in the workplace (Sarah is the author of the bestselling book: "The Uterus is a Feature, Not a Bug, The Working Woman's Guide to Overthrowing the Patriarchy").

Plus listen to my interview on Danni Pomplun's Yogi Misfit Podcast on Motherhood and Teaching Yoga to Mamas, learn more about Mama Circles and Ayurveda for pregnancy (and beyond)!

See you soon!

p.s. If you enjoyed your experience in one of my classes, a workshop or training (online or in person!) I would be oh so grateful for your review on my new Yelp page!
Jane Recommends - Mama Resources
5 Survival Tips for Mamas in  the Workplace

by Sarah Lacy, bestselling author of "A Uterus is a Feature Not a Bug, A Working Woman's Guide to Overthrowing the Patriarchy"
  1. Banish the word "perfect" from your internal monologue. Perfect means you aren't growing and stretching enough. Perfect means stasis. Strive to constantly be reminded of how imperfect you are.
  2. Guilt is the patriarchy's voice in your head. Did you know that 40% of all Americans think it's "bad" for society if women work? Even though most of us have to? Even though data shows a lot of benefits for sons and daughters of working moms? Even though research shows working moms only spend 15% less quality time with their kids a week? Good mothers don't need to be 100% available to their children and good employees don't need to be 100% available to your employers. You have a right to value *you*
  3. If someone tells you to pretend you aren't a mother to get ahead at work, FIND A NEW JOB. Maternal bias is the most overt form of sexism women face at work, but only 60% of women face it. This isn't universal. Plenty of companies value the benefits of hiring working moms. (Increased productivity, enhanced creative problem solving, more empathetic management, just to name a few!)
  4. Create your tribe! Not all of us have other women we can bond with at work, but you can find them somewhere! (hint: Jane's classes, online groups + meet up's are great places!)
  5. Go to a Hallmark around Mother's Day and look at the cards. You know, the ones that say things like "TO THE WOMAN WHO SACRIFICES EVERYTHING...." Or "THIS IS THE ONE DAY A YEAR WE APPRECIATE EVERYTHING YOU DO FOR US..." If you nod and think, "wow, what a lovely sentiment..." you are doing something wrong. Being a mother doesn't mean you should be a hollowed out husk of a human being. You deserve the same fulfilled life as a parent that you had before kids.

    In fact: You have an even greater responsibility to have a fulfilled life now because you are someone's female role model.
Read all of Sarah's tips on our Facebook page, and learn more about her NEW community for badass working moms (or women who want to become badass moms) to discuss the hardest things they face in a troll-free, mommy-war-free environment. Learn more + join for just $5 at http://beta.chairmanmom.com/.
Jane's Book Review --- "A Uterus Is A Feature, Not A Bug" by Sarah Lacy

"Okay, first of all I love Sarah Lacy so it follows that I love her book. I met her when she was preggo with her first kid and she strutted (in a good way) into my prenatal yoga class. She was such a badass working women and pregnant. I was in awe. She demanded to do things her way and on her own terms. My kinda gal.
But I have to say, I was even more struck by how tender and soft she became as a mama. I remember the pride and the giddiness that she showed when her then tiny son was dressed in a turkey costume.

Was this the same women? Yes!

Sarah's book reflect this duality on every page of this book. As women and mothers we have the capacity to be both strong and soft, it is our super power.  Sarah's account of life in the trenches of motherhood is real, raw and honest...oh and funny. Check out her story in her new book and get inspired." Purchase yours here!  

Jane Austin --- on Motherhood + Prenatal Yoga, Featured on Yogi Misfit Podcast!

Check out my conversation with my friend and fellow yogi Danni Pomplun. We had a fun chat about prenatal yoga. Please share with any preggo friends you think might be interested!

Listen to the podcast here.

And share it with any of your mama friends, or those interested in prenatal yoga!
Mothering the Mother: Using the Art + Science of Yoga and Ayruveda to Nourish Mamas

by Motherhood Ayurvedic Healing
(Soumya Kristin Renee)

Are you looking for some prenatal and postpartum nourishment for your body, mind and spirit? Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, offers practical and holistic tips to enhance your overall wellbeing and to awaken the health that is inherent within you.   

Come join one of the upcoming workshops to learn how Ayurveda can support you on your pregnancy and parenting journey!  Workshop topics include pregnancy, postpartum health, nutrition, and radiant beauty.  All workshops are located at The San Francisco Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, and include an Ayurvedic organic meal.

Upcoming Ayurveda Workshops:
April 22nd, Ayurveda and Radiant Beauty
May 20th, Ayurveda Nutrition
June 24th, Ayurveda and Pregnancy

For more information, visit  www.motherayurvedahealing.com, or call  Soumya at  415-706-1370!  

Join a Mothers Circle or Mother's Entrepreneurial Circle

Next Mother's Circle - April 4th, 7-9pm
at Blackbird Bookstore 
(4033 Judah St. SF)

Next Entrepreneurial Mother's Circle - April 5th, 7-9pm at Blackbird Bookstore
(4033 Judah St. SF)

Abby Summerfield has started two unique mother circles --- these are intimate gatherings of mothers, spaces to connect, support, and grow, alongside one another. 

Learn more + join a circle at abbysummerfieldcoaching.com
Labrinyth Walk: Thurs, May 17th
(there will be no walk in April as I will be in China!)
Mark your calendars for the 3rd Thursday 
Starting at 11:45am at  Grace Cathedral
(1100 California Street @ Taylor in SF)

Join Jane Austin and Sue Baelen. We'll gather at 11:45 am and begin walking at noon as the bells start to ring. This is a time for quiet reflection, and a chance to put aside all the thoughts and chatter that busy our minds and distract us from connecting to our authentic selves.

Walking the labyrinth is an ideal way to actively meditate during pregnancy, and another step in preparing for birth.

Everyone is welcome to this FREE event.
Classes, Events & Immersions w/Jane 
Women's Weekend Retreat with Jane Austin at 1440 Multiversity (Santa Cruz Mountains)

Finding Your True Core: Yoga + Your Pelvic Floor 
July 6 - 8, 2018

Starting as young women many of us have not been taught about our true core or the importance of a healthy pelvic floor. Unfortunately most of us ignore our pelvic floor not realizing its important role in our overall health until something happens (often unpleasant) to force us to pay attention.

You will learn movement and breath techniques to help bring more awareness and vitality to these deep foundational tissues. Regardless of your age or ability you are invited to tap into this power resting in your true core.

Beginners and seasoned yoga practitioners are welcome. Self identified women of all ages are encouraged to attend. 

Get your space early as this weekend retreat will be popular!

Mama Tree Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Level 1

The training will explore yoga as a tool in preparation for not only childbirth, but for motherhood!

Immerse yourself in the study of yoga for the childbearing year! This comprehensive training will include how to teach yoga to women in all stages of pregnancy and throughout the early stages of postpartum. 

My Mama Tree prenatal training is unparalleled and like no other prenatal programs out there. 

"Jane Austin is absolutely the best, she's the real deal. The perfect combination of education, real life experience and humor. Jane's willingness to share all of her knowledge, practice and heart makes her trainings empowering experiences."
~Wendy Hepworth, Mama + Yoga Teacher (as pictured above)

Start your journey. 5 day prenatal immersion.
Early Bird Deadline - Save $100 by Sep 10th! 

NOTE: Whether or not you have the goal to teach, this training is also a fit for you if you work with women in any capacity (doula, midwife, obstetrician + gynecologists, massage therapists, etc.). Also, mamas looking for ways to deepen their own practice will find a lot of benefit in this immersion as will yoga teachers from every discipline.
NEW Audio Classes for Mamas on MoveWith.com!
Check out my prenatal + postnatal audio classes via  MoveWith.com 

Featured Videos: Prenatal Shoulder Work, Prenatal Sleep Aid, Soft and Strong,
Yoga for Busy Moms, Finding Your Pelvic Floor, Happy Hamstrings + many more.
In Studio:
Mon, Wed & Fri
10:30am - Noon 
+ Saturday
9:30 - 10:55am
at Yoga Tree Valencia
(Temporary Pop Up Location: 1470 Valencia bet 25th & 26th) 

Mon, Wed & Fri
12:05 - 1:30pm 
at Yoga Tree Valencia
(Temporary Pop Up Location:
1470 Valencia bet 25th & 26th

Prenatal Partners Available Online!

I'm thrilled to offer my extremely popular Prenatal Partners Birth Prep Workshop online through Udemy.com. Purchase this digital version to practice what you learned in person 

OR take it for the very first time if you cannot make it to the workshops in San Francisco
(NOTE: extra discount available for returning mamas)! 

$30 ($10 off)

Prenatal Yoga DVD Now Streaming on Amazon.com
My most popular one-hour yoga practice can be used throughout pregnancy to maintain strength and flexibility, and prepare both mind and body for childbirth. 

If you have my DVD at home or streamed this class online I would be oh so grateful if you could write a review!

  Learn More & Purchase
Only $10!
p.s. Prenatal Partners Workshop - Upcoming 2018 Dates!

We always sell out for this popular Birth Prep Partner Workshop. Get your spot early. 
4/7, 5/19, 6/9, 7/14, 8/4, 8/25, 9/22, 10/20 + more!   Full Schedule.