A Message from Bob Henderson: December 17, 2021
Dear friends:
As the week of Christmas approaches, I find myself thinking a lot about Bethlehem, the time I’ve spent there, the investment our community has made, and our dear friends and mission partners there, now surrounded by a containment wall that has turned Bethlehem into an open-air prison.
Near where Jesus was born is the historic Christmas Lutheran Church, a dynamic congregation that has stood as light and hope in that sacred spot for more than a century. In more recent years, the Israeli Occupation Forces have invaded, occupied, and even shattered some of its exquisite stained-glass windows.
These Bethlehem Christians -- who know better than most that Christmas is about God’s entrance into a messy world -- gathered the shards of shattered glass and repurposed them into beautiful angel ornaments:
one of which now decorates our Christmas tree, simply to remind us that love enters a messy world and is strong enough to turn what is painful into something quite beautiful.

It is what Christmas is about: love coming into the world, the real world where people live and die and wars are fought, and life is lived joyfully and sometimes tragically, love coming into the world in a humble stable behind a crowded inn, the picture of love in a little child, who is the perfect gift.
We’ll explore this love in depth this weekend. You can read these verses in preparation. Serenitye is preaching in our chapel at 8:45, and I will be in the other services.
Come, and bring a friend,
P.S. If you would like to know more about the “little town of Bethlehem” and its current circumstance, click on this brief video from Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, our friend and mission partner there. I’m confident you’ll be glad you did.
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