Art Week '23:
Let there be sculpture!
October 16-20
'Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it'. - Michelangelo
This year for ArtWeek we will be working in 6 small groups with 6 different materials to create 6 Riley sculptures! We are drawing inspiration from local artists such as Jay Sawyer, Jason Hurst, Bo Atkinson, Bernard Langlais, Alexis Iammarino, Pamela Mouton, Eric Darling and Tara Morin. This fully hands on, emergent, cross-programmatic and child focused curriculum will excite and challenge the children and faculty. We would love your help! This is no small project, together we can accomplish something amazing!
Do you love to create and want to spend time with your child? We’d love your help on campus! Monday and Tuesday will focused on research, design, and field trips, Wednesday and Thursday will be focused on building and Friday will be about finishing up. Let Anna know what you’re interested in and we’ll figure out when and how you can help! Yes, these hours count towards your volunteer hours!
Want to know more? Monday, October 9th, at 7pm Anna will be doing a Zoom Meeting to answer any and all questions!
Here is how you can help:
Join us on campus at ANY POINT for as long as you'd like to help in the process!
- Be a sculpture facilitator (work with a facilitator to guide the children in their creation)
- Be a driver to one of our studio tours (Monday and Tuesday afternoon)
- After (school) hours to help build the base structures.
- Donation/sourcing materials!! We need (more specifics to come:
- Wood (Drift, root, commercial)
- Nails
- Rope
- Full(ish) cans of exterior paint
- Cement (cement mixer)
- Scrap Metal (old pitchforks, shovels, rakes, saw-blades etc).
- Welding set
We'd also like to invite you to join us for the Riley Sculpture Walk on Friday, October 20th at 1:30pm. The children will be presenting their creations and sharing their process/learning with our community - we’ll have snacks!
We would love (and need) your help to make this week of art a success. How are you going to be a part of it?
Let Anna know your ideas and how you can help - all are welcome!
Email for the zoom link