We are excited to celebrate being a Catholic school next week. But more than being a school, we are a community. A community that comes together to celebrate and support each other. We are students, faculty, and families that are here now or have been for over 75 years. We look forward to celebrating next week with all of you!
We also ask that you remember to keep our recent OLG graduate, Bennett Kotok, in your prayers, as the community comes together tomorrow for his funeral. Many of you have reached out, and the OLG Class of 2019 has set up an OLG School Memorial Fund in Bennett's name. Please keep the Kotok in your prayers.
Together are we—OLG!
Deacon Mike
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Monday, January 29 - Friday, February 2
The Teacher Raffle proceeds will benefit these charities:
- Scholarships for our Ghana sister schools
- Reverse Rett
- Outreach Ministries of the Basilica of St. Mary (in Minneapolis)
- OLG Fine Arts Programs (Art, Drama, Band, Music, etc.)
- Brains Together (Brain Tumor Research in Honor of Mr. Rosenberg)
Each school day during that week students will be able to dress up. To help you prepare, see the daily themes below:
- Monday - Sports/Jersey Day
- Tuesday - Pajama Day (No Slippers)
- Wednesday - Mass Day (Uniform with fun accessories)
- Thursday - Class Color Day
- Friday - OLG Spirit Day
MS student volunteers are needed for the kick off weekend Masses. Please click to sign up to be a Greeter or Server. Contact Mrs. Gartland to help with the Livestream. Religion service hours are earned for these volunteer opportunities.
Click here for the further details on the daily themes, raffle tickets and much more about CSW!
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Cub Scouts Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, January 28, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Please join Pack 102 and the OLG community for the 2024 Annual Cub Scout Pancake Breakfast. This will be a great kickoff to Catholic Schools Week. Tickets are $8/person. Click here to order ahead or purchase tickets at the door.
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2024-2025 Re-Enrollment - Important Reminder
OLG School uses a continuous enrollment model. This means that current K-7 students are automatically re-enrolled for the upcoming school year. Families will be charged a $150 registration fee per child on February 1st for the upcoming school year. The fee is non-refundable. If you are moving or you know that your child will not be returning to OLG in the fall, please email Amy Selby before February 1, 2024. After this date your child will be re-enrolled, you will be billed the registration fee, and your tuition agreement will be rolled over to next year.
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'Summer at OLG' Offerings Are Coming Soon!
Registration opens February 1 for Summer Academy, K-8 Extended Care and Preschool Camps. There will be math, science, language arts, Spanish, music classes, book clubs, wellness, plus tutoring, field trips and more! Click here for details.
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March Release Days (No School)
There is no school on Friday, March 1 (conferences) and Monday, March 4 (teacher in-service). For students in grades K-8th grade, release day care is available and registration is due Friday, February 2. Click here to register.
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Altar Server Training
Altar Server training is open to students 5th grade and above. Besides serving at weekend Masses, servers are needed at daily Masses, weddings and funerals. Click here for more details and apply here by Monday, February 5. Training dates will be during the Spring.
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Volunteer Opportunities
The lunch room sign up is open through mid-February. Please consider signing up!
The library sign up is open through the rest of the school year.
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Valentines Needed
Due Monday, February 5
Are the kiddos in need of a creative outlet? Are your MS students needing service hours? Sharing & Caring Hands is collecting Valentines to put in treat bags that go out to homeless children at Mary's Place in Minneapolis. Valentines should say "You Are Loved" or "God Loves You." They can be as simple or as elaborate as you want, click here for instructions. Last year OLG provided over 400 cards and we are hoping to be able to deliver even more this year! Drop cards off in the red boxes at receptionist desks.
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Grade Level Moms Nights Out
Mix and mingle with fellow OLG moms from your student's grade. Each evening will be at The Hilltop at 7:30 PM on the dates noted below. Please RSVP for each grade respectively. Questions? Contact Meghan Worthington or Beth Horn.
Kindergarten - Thurs, Feb 1 RSVP Here
3rd Grade - Thurs, Feb 8 RSVP Here
6th Grade - Thurs, February 15 RSVP Here
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25th Annual MC Gala
Saturday, February 3
Click here to get tickets, to register to participate in the silent auction, and to donate. View silent auction items on Monday, January 29 and start bidding on Wednesday, January 31. Let's raise a glass and funds together to make OLG beautiful inside and out. Question? Contact Joe Daniski.
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Women of Grace Gathering
Thursday, February 8, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Ladies, grab the favorite women in your life and come hear from Kate Walsh-Soucheray, a licensed marriage and family therapist! Women of Grace provides regular opportunities for all women to gather and grow in faith, fellowship, and friendship in Jesus Christ. No matter our season of life, we all need support. We all have something to offer and can be a gift to one another. Visit our website to RSVP or to learn more about our February Gathering.
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8th Annual Celebrate Marriage
Friday, February 9, 5:45 - 9:00 PM
Mark your calendars, book your babysitter and join us for an enriching date night with your spouse. This event will include Mass with a special marriage blessing followed by dinner and a presentation from Pat and Kenna Millea on the calling of marriage and how to prioritize connection with God and each other. The Milleas are the founders of the Martin Center for Integration and hosts of the This Whole Life Podcast. Cost is $50 per couple or $25 per newlywed couple (for those married 5 years or less). Questions or want to volunteer to help? Contact Lisa Miller. Click here for complete details and to register.
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Looking Ahead
January 28
Catholic Schools Week Begins
Scouts Pancake Breakfast
January 29
CSCOE Mass of the Holy Spirit
January 31
School Mass 9 AM
February 1
CSW Staff Lunch
February 3
Men's Club Gala
February 7
School Mass 9 AM
February 10
4th Grade Hosted Mass 5 PM
February 13
PSO Meeting 7 PM
February 14
Ash Wednesday
School Mass 9 AM
February 19-20
NO SCHOOL - President Day
No Extended Care
February 21
School Mass 9 AM
Click Here for Complete Calendar
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School Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM
Accounts are for student grades.
educate.tads.com/educate/ or
Lunch Menu
Accounts are for all school billing
and household information.
Weekender Submissions
Due Thursdays at Noon to
OLG reserves the right to edit for space/content.
School Mass Livestream
Watch our School Mass
on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM.
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