Wednesday, November 6, 2024

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Corn & Soybeans

Harvest conditions continue to be ideal allowing for rapid progress. Soybean harvest is 98% completed, with the exception of some double crop/replant soybeans. Corn harvest is expected at 55%+. North of the 402's progress would be closer to 75%+ complete.

Soybean yields had a large range due to the tough spring/planting. Any lighter well-drained farmers were above-average, but heavier ground, and fields that had heavier rain accumulations faced more pressure and gave more average yields (35-50bu/acre).

Corn continues to come off quite dry, with the November weather so far continuing to draw moisture values down. Vomitoxin continues to be pretty well a non-issue.

We are finding lots of great information on tarspot and nutrient deficiencies due to tarspot and spray timing as a result of many plots and field work. We should have lots of information for you all by our Grower Meeting (stay tuned for the date!). Early yields indicate that corn not sprayed with fungicide, on average, lost 40bu/acre, with some instances, losing 100bu/acre. The average yield on corn is too soon to tell, but later planted corn is not expected to yield as well due to stress on the plant shortly after emergence.

As mentioned last week, soybean and corn plots are being taken off in the area. Data can be found on our website here. Contact your agronomist for information regarding specific hybrids and their respective data. We will be more than happy to help with any questions!

We have ample allocation for soybeans and corn this harvest, and many trucks on the road! Call Pam to get your loads scheduled! 519-845-3301.

Early sign-up IP Premiums are active until Friday or until our allocation is full. That is a $4.75/bu Premium for Fall delivery, or $5.30/bu Premium for winter delivery. Bruton and S12J7 varieties remain available.


The wheat crop looks fantastic. Wheat acres are up from last year, and potentially challenging 2022 acreage. Emergence is great, but there are a few rain holes that have weaker population, but the wheat is still there. We currently are seeing a lot of spraying going on for the wheat, as well as for perennial issue burndowns.

Jason's Agronomy Tip of the Week, "Pricing on seed is now available. Please reach out to your salesperson. The deadline for Early order/Early pay discounts is December 15th."

Jason (519) 330-9746

Mike (519) 466-9200

Jill (519) 464-8977 

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