Friday, June 3, 2022

Wheat is progressing fast!! Many fields are showing signs of heads emerging which identifies the ideal time to spray T3 fungicide! We started spraying this week, and will continue spraying into next week to protect the crop. Call to get on the list! Fields are slightly variable, but the heat is helping to even things out. When spraying fungicide, our team is recommending adding in a surfactant, specifically Ag Surf. IPCO Ag Surf® Original is a non-ionic surfactant that improves the wetting, sticking and penetration characteristics of many insecticides, fungicides and herbicides

Some products to consider for T3 fungicide spraying (but not limited to) are: Miravis Ace, Carmaba, Veltyma & Prosaro XTR. For specific product recommendations, your agronomist is the best person to talk to!

  • Bradey: 519-312-7767
  • Jason: 519-330-9746
  • Darrin: 519-330-9812
We are still working on burn down on later bean fields, while in-crop spraying is starting for early soy crops. Overall, the crop looks good.

For IP soybean fields, just a friendly reminder to remain proactive and keep an eye on weed emergence.

If you have not already picked up your seed, please feel free to call your branch and set up a pickup arrangement!

  • Alvinston: 519-898-2861
  • Wanstead: 519-845-3301
The corn is popping!! Over the past week we have seen a significant amount of corn up in Lambton county- some already reaching 2-3 leaves. For the most part emergence looks good, but a bit of moisture and heat will do wonders for the crop. UAN application is starting this week, and our agronomists recommend pairing that with boron and tribune.

One thing to keep in mind with corn this year is prioritizing keeping the plant weed free until at least 6-leaf. Sharing this from Matt Chapple of Pride Seeds, “Data from Peter Sikkema at Ridgetown Campus suggests that delays in weed control could result in large revenue losses per acre.    Although tillage can delay the emergence and germination of many weed species, there is no great solution when missing opportunities with residual chemistry.  Especially the great results provided with many of the Group 27 products, tank mixed with Group 5 and 9 products.”

Please feel free to ask your agronomist for help with your herbicide plan!

We are pleased to offer to all our customers access to all their account information on line at no charge. The myFSTM application allows you to view all your invoices, grain transactions (scale tickets, settlements, storage etc.), statements, field plans, patronage, and other information. You can print copies for your files or accountants. Our website provides more details on myFSTM and what it offers as well as the link to create your account! The link below will take you to the information page for myFSTM

Wanstead is hiring! Wages have recently been increased! Check out our website for more information!

● Seasonal DZ Truck Drivers / General Labour

● Seasonal Assistant for Chemical Warehouse & Crop Scout

● Full time AZ Driver