Crops have been improving on continued rains and heat. The heat this week is welcomed as we continue to make up lost heat-units from our late growing season start.
Corn Fungicide applications continue to get finished up. If you have late planted corn and are worried about tarspot or other fungal diseases, call your agronomist. Tarspot is all over Lambton County, and is expected to be widespread during dry down. One unexpected pest on the corn crop this year has been birds. Bird damage seems to be more common this year on the cobs that were ahead in the area (see photo below). The second picture below is a leaf that started with nitrogen deficiency and was followed by leaf disease.
Our agronomy team will be doing some yield estimates on fields over the next few weeks. If you are interested in our team doing a count on one of your fields, please let us know!
We are once again on the cusp of completing IP soybean contracts. If you have IPs in the ground, you can expect to get an email or phone call over the next few weeks, to clean up the final few pages of the contract before we get into the thick of harvest. As mentioned in pervious editions, we expect many fields to need a preharvest burn.