Wednesday, July 21, 2021

This new weekly e-newsletter will be delivered to your inbox midweek. It will focus on local agronomy news in and around our Wanstead branch locations. Information you'll receive comes from our Wanstead crop sales advisors.

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Farmers in the area continue to pick away at wheat harvest between the (what seems like hundreds of) rain events. Although there is still a concern about what the moisture has the capability of doing to the remaining wheat, issues of sprouts, mildew and fusarium have been minimal. Overall, many farmers seem to be happy with their yields, and those continuing to harvest are mentioning that the crop is coming off quite well. We are very happy that many growers were able to take advantage of our 17% moisture deal that closed on Monday, which allowed them to get their wheat off earlier to maintain quality. Our staff is working hard to continue to help growers harvest their wheat off before this weekend as rains have popped up in the forecast. Lots of trucks are on the road, and our employees are working quickly to move the lines along at the elevators. Staff who are out and about in the area are estimating Lambton County's harvest progress in the 70-80% range.
A significant amount of soybeans are podding up, with some plants already almost half podded! The bottom pods are really growing, with many of the plants now in the prime fungicide application time. (Feel free to ask your agronomist for advice on spraying!). There have been odd signs of bean leaf beetle emerging, but nothing widespread. With the abundance of moisture we continue to get, the risk of mold is heavier this year than in other years. Our agronomists have yet to see any mold, but they have come across some spores for mold. In fields with those spores, they strongly encouraged the growers to spray the beans with fungicide. There are still many yellow soybean fields, however, fields that were sprayed with a combination of fungicide and soybooster seem to be coming out of it slightly.
Corn has now moved into its tassel stage in the majority of fields, and it is looking GREAT! The next focus for the corn crop is on fungicide. We have multiple fungicides available to suit your needs whether it be the highest VOM protection or the higher yield protection. We actually have a lift kit on our sprayer which makes it able to spray in tall fields, so just because your corn is tall, doesn't mean you can't protect it...and at these prices, why wouldn't you protect it? We started to spray fungicide yesterday, and if you are considering getting your field sprayed, make sure to call your agronomist and get on the list! Due to the heat and rains, we are about three weeks early from our typical fungicide spraying time. Does this mean we might get an early harvest? -Only mother nature knows!!
What are our agronomists up to?
Our agronomists are currently out staging corn and soybean fields for spraying fungicide, as well as scouting fields for both pests and mold.

They have started to receive some signage for seed, custom application, or crop inputs, and they will be planning on getting those out in the next few weeks. If you are interested in having a sign on your crop, please reach out to your agronomist! 

One other thing they are really encouraging this time of year is soil sampling on wheat ground. Knowing what your ground needs will help you to spend your fertilizer money in the right places, to maximize on your future crop potentials. If you are interested in getting your fields tested, please reach out to your salesperson. 

Bradey: 519-312-7767
Jason: 519-330-9746
Darrin: 519-330-9812