Wednesday, June 29th, 2022

Because of our wet spring, some wheat fields were unable to get a herbicide applied this year. Those fields may need to look into the option of a pre-harvest burndown. If fleabane is your problem (like in the picture to the right), you could use a double-eragon option. After spraying, you would need to wait 3 days to harvest the crop. If you add glyphosate to your spray plan, you will need to wait 7 days.

As we near July, it is time to think about what your plan is after the wheat is off. Is it soil sampling? Is it a cover crop? Double crop soybeans? Be sure to let us know so we can have it ordered! It will not be long before harvest 2022! In our last edition, we polled readers as to when they expect harvest. Nearly 50% of responses indicated that they expect an early harvest (before July 15th), and 50% predicted a normal harvest time (between July 15th and 20th).
Floyd and Megan have kicked off their 2022 wheat tour and have been seeing very positive looking fields! They are hoping to make it out to as many wheat producers as possible over the upcoming weeks to check out the crop, chat with farmers, and get wheat declaration forms signed! We would love to see you! Please contact us if you are interested in an on-farm visit!

The Grain Declaration mentioned above starts July 1st. This declaration is a personal attestation that your wheat is licensed. This form needs to be signed in order to bring wheat to any elevator or ship off farm.

For more information, contact Floyd or Megan.

Floyd: 519-328-8481
Megan: 519-328-2623
There is a significant amount of variability in soybean fields across the county. Some fields (like the photo to the right), have been planted for nearly a month, while replants continue to occur. June 30th is our local cutoff for crop insurance coverage on soybeans, so we do not expect to see too many beans being planted afterwards.

Our staff have been very busy with replants, burndowns, and in-crop spraying with soy booster.

The crop could definitely use a drink to keep it growing and pushing out of the soil.
Corn has been struggling with the dryness, but stressed areas are starting to show some improvement and growth. We can expect the crop to be establishing good roots at this stage as it reaches for moisture.

Our employees have been busy with herbicide spraying on some of the later-planted corn. Most herbicide’s should only be sprayed on corn up to 8-leaf. Be sure to check with your agronomist if you have questions about weed pressure or staging.

  • Bradey: 519-312-7767
  • Jason: 519-330-9746
  • Darrin: 519-330-9812

As researched by Dave Hooker from the University of Guelph, Ridgetown, he noted that later planted corn is correlated with increases in tar spot infections. There are many spray options to managing tar spot to be aware of as we inch closer to fungicide timing on corn. We usually see fungicide spraying completed around the silking stage.

What yield do you anticipate for your wheat?