Thursday, November 10, 2022

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Now is the time to start thinking about next year's crop! December 6th is the deadline for early pay and early order. Touch base with your agronomist early to lock in your product, or set up a time to discuss a plan!

Additionally, with respect to 2023, please see below for our confirmed IP premium schedule from LAC (the grower is responsible for freight). Wanstead is proud to offer programs for Brutons, Kent, S12-J7s, S21-C6s and SQWH! These premiums will be subject to change! Contact Floyd or Megan to lock in your contract and premium price, and/or call your agronomist to get your name on seed! 


With the near perfect conditions, this is expected to be the biggest wheat planting year in Lambton County and Ontario. At present, Ontario's wheat acres are expected to be over 1 million which has never been done before. Not to mention, the wheat acres that are in the ground look phenomenal (while U.S. winter wheat acres do not). 

Now is a good opportunity for spraying problem-weed fields to get ahead of fleabane and other perennials.

If the winter cooperates, we expect to see most of the wheat pull through and have a great start!


Corn harvest is now in full swing. It is expected that there over 75% of the corn crop off. 

Vomitoxin levels continue to stay low as we progress through harvest, with rumours of some fields to the south being more affected.

In Other News...

Seed guides are now in! Stop by either of our branches to grab your copy today and get a head start on your plans for the new year. Book your seed orders soon to confirm the varieties you want! The pride seeds lineup is looking really good again. The varieties stayed clean and performed well despite stressful conditions.

This fall has been giving lots of opportunity for soil sampling, fall fertilizer application, tillage and spray burndowns. Lots of people were catching up on these fall activities that we often run out of time to do! If you are hoping to get any of these items done before the end of the year, please let us know!

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