It is time to start thinking about your wheat seed needs for fall. The second week of September is our early order deadline. Wheat seed is now available for this fall! We will have Constellation and Blaze Seed in bulk, with the rest of the C&M varieties available in totes and bags.
Soil sampling on the wheat fields is in full swing. Reach out to your sales person today to get on the list for sampling. We also have a manual probe if you would like to take samples yourself!
Also, if you are thinking about still putting in a cover crop, make sure to call your agronomist to book product or talk planning! Planting your cover crop this time of year helps to ensure that the crop does not get too much of a top, but still establishes a good root system. If you don't put something green into your field, Mother Nature will!
Wheat stubble burndowns can be sprayed now with Roundup, Eragon and Merge. Engenia can be added next month when crops aren’t actively growing as much. This should give your fields a good start going into next year’s planting season.
We will be offering a Rye program again for this year with limited acres available. This is Rye for Grain use, and is similar in timing and management to wheat. Please talk to your salesperson for more information!