Wednesday, June 19, 2024

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Corn emergence is highly variable with some of the crop at 8-leaf stage, and some just planted. On those later planted fields, post-emergence herbicide has been going down. This heat is not great for spraying the crop as it could lead to some leaf burn. For that reason, we would suggest evening/night spraying which would allow the crop all night to metabolize the herbicide.

For earlier planted corn, we recommend getting into fields to side dress at the 4-6 leaf stage.  If you are hoping to get an applicator, please call us to put your name on the list. Additionally, talk to your agronomist about the benefits of pairing Tribune or Boron with your 28%. Tribune helps to keep nitrogen from leeching and keeps it on your land (helps with volatilization), while Boron is a micronutrient that helps the crop.


Similarly to corn, soybeans are variable. With some seeds still in the bag, to plants well on their way, it is hard to generalize which stage the County is in. We estimate that 80% of the crop is now planted, with the other 20% well on its way. We will see some of the earlier planted soybeans flowering shortly with the upcoming June 21st Solstice.

For those still doing a pre-emerge or post-emerge herbicide, make sure to keep water volumes at at least 20 gallons. Make sure that you know which type of soybean that you have when deciding on your chemical options. Misapplication over-the-top of the wrong trait could result in complete plant mortality and warrant replanting. The most widely used herbicide tolerant soybean traits on the market: Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® (RR2X), XtendFlex® (XF), Enlist E3® (E3) soybeans. Please feel free to reach out to your agronomist for any chem recommendations or advise.

Additionally, Wanstead has launched a new product with Can Grow called Century Soy. This product will help to mitigate the stress on the plant when you are forced to spray when it is hot out. This product can be added to the tank with a wide range of crop protection products on any crop before or during reproductive phases and/or periods of abiotic stress. Century soy supplies a multitude of macro and micro nutrients to increase plant energy, reduce plant stress, drive root growth, and set up plant factors for increased yields.

Soil moisture is variable depending how often it has been worked. There are lots of beans trying to push through the ground, which a rain would help to soften. With this heat this week, who knows if we will see a thunderstorm pop-up or not.


Wheat is starting to turn fast and it looks to have great yield potential! Additionally, the clover crop below the wheat has an incredible catch.

We have seen some signs of army worm in later planted fields. When the Army Worm moth flies in, it looks for the greenest area to land, which tends to be the later planted wheat. Depending on the maturity of the plant, there may be spray options available for fields that are infected at or above the threshold of 4-5 larvae/ft². Stripe Rust is still around, although it seems to have been mostly controlled/contained with a T3 fungicide application. Both of these pests/diseases would negatively impact yields, but are not likely to impact quality of the grain, with the exception of potentially lower test weight.

At this point, we are estimating that we might see wheat come off the 1st week of July, especially if this heat sticks around. If you are interested in double-cropping in any soybeans, we do have seed available.

Agronomy Tip of the Week

Jill's Tip of the week: "Use your sunscreen, stay hydrated, and take frequent breaks! You can't put your all into growing a good crop if you aren't taking care of yourself!"

Do you have any questions that you want our agronomists to answer in our next edition?

Let us know at this anonymous feedback form OR reach out to one of our agronomists!

Jason (519) 330-9746

Darrin (519) 330-9812

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

Jill (519) 464-8977

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