Wednesday, September 21, 2022

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Soybeans continue to trickle in... more so in the Wanstead area than the Alvinston/Inwood zones. Nearly all of the loads have come in dry 11.2%-14.0%, however, many loads are lighter on their test weight. For grade 2 beans, test weight needs to be 346g/0.5L. We expect the peak volume of Lambton County beans to come off anywhere from the end of this week, to two weeks away. 

Preharvest burndowns are in full swing. Burndowns typically occur 10 days before harvest, and/or when all of the beans have turned colour. When the colour of the beans have all turned, it is an indicator that the bean has been severed from the plant, and it has started to die off. 

Bean yields are looking very variable depending on planting date and moisture accumulation. The later beans seemed to have gained better rainfall amounts, so it is expected that they have a better yield projection overall. We expect that 5-10% of Lambton County soybeans have been harvested. 

Fall is another great opportunity to soil test! If you want to get soil tests done, give us a ring ASAP after the beans are off and we can schedule you in!


Wheat season is right around the corner! Wanstead is proud to offer seed and selling programs for SRWT, SWWT, and HRWT. 

In some fields that took off early beans, we are already starting to see the wheat poke through!

Wheat herbicides are highly recommended this year after the aggressive weed pressure we saw this year. If you have not done (or plant to do) a pre plant/pre emerge herbicide application, you may want to go in after with infinity to keep the weeds at bay. If wheat is growing, weeds are growing. 

Our operators have been starting to get fertilizer on harvested soybean ground (for wheat). If you are planning on planting wheat this year, this may be the time to consider what your fertilizer plans are going forward. Soil Sampling can help with this! We also really recommend adding Sulphur to your wheat plans. Talk to your agronomist for more information! 

Wheat cleaning and treating has been steady! While names are also being added to a list for airflow wheat spreading. If you have not already touched base with our staff to be added to either applicable list, please call your local branch!

Wanstead: 519-845-3301

Alvinston: 519-898-2861


A good chunk of corn is starting to turn prematurely from tar spot and die back. We are noticing a difference on fields that were sprayed for tar spot protection versus those that were not treated. 

Overall the crop is looking average/below average compared to the past few years. However, just like beans and wheat this year, fields are very variable. 

We have not gotten into black layer yet, but it is not far off. This rapid advancement may lead to weakness in the stalk. Current harvest progress is estimated at 0%. 

We are not very worried about any disease pressure as it was SO dry during much of the growing season. 

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