Our agronomists are currently out walking corn and soybean fields looking for any signs of fungus, pests, or diseases. They always recommend that farmers go check out their fields as well and try to be proactive! If you would like their expert eyes on anything you are seeing in your fields, please let them know!
They have started to receive some signage for seed, custom application, or crop inputs, and they will be planning on getting those out ASAP. If you are interested in having a sign on your crop, please reach out to your agronomist!
One other thing they are really encouraging this time of year is soil sampling on wheat ground. Knowing what your ground needs will help you to spend your fertilizer money in the right places, to maximize on your future crop potential. This year, with the price of fertilizer, soil sampling can help you spend your money where you will be able to see the most "bang for your buck" and maximize benefits on your fields. With the variable rate applicator that the co-op runs, we can help you grow smart and save money! If you are interested in getting your fields tested, please reach out to your salesperson.
Bradey: 519-312-7767
Jason: 519-330-9746
Darrin: 519-330-9812
And the most exciting news of all, Wanstead Co-op is thrilled to announce the return of our annual golf tournament! This will be held on September 7th at the Arkona golf course. More details to follow. Keep an eye on our website for more information!