Wednesday, April 24, 2024

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The wheat crop across the county continues to look good and green. The weather has made it a bit of a challenge to get nitrogen and sulfur on as the ground conditions have not been good in many fields. Make sure to stay in touch with you agronomist when you think your fields will be ready so we can be as prompt as possible to help you when it is go time. For custom application, the airflow and sprayers are ready to go once mother nature allows. It won't be long now until herbicide and fungicide application is to go on as well. For any and all of your passes, be mindful of the environmental conditions before you go out!


For seed, corn and soybeans have been flying out of our warehouses, but we still have quite a bit in stock. It is advisable to pick up your seed or schedule your delivery early so that when it is go time, you are ready! When preparing for the year and your herbicide plans, remember to inform your sales specialist about your soybean type. Xtend, Enlist or IP soybeans. Each type of soybean has special herbicide needs.

As always call your agronomists for any inquiries on pricing or availability. 

Do you have any questions that you want our agronomists to answer in our next edition?

Is there anything in particular you want to see for our edition next week?

Let us know at this anonymous feedback form OR reach out to one of our agronomists!

Jason (519) 330-9746

Darrin (519) 330-9812

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

Agronomy Tip of the Week

We know time is tight for our farmers during the farming season, so this year, we are kicking off a social media campaign to summarize a weekly takeaway or highlight that our agronomists really want to push each week. "Agronomy Tip of the Week". 

Darrin's Tip of the week: "Remember to inform your sales specialist about your soybean type. Xtend, Enlist and IP soybeans all have special herbicide needs".

Other Information

NEW! Wanstead Grain Text Updates

As Wanstead Farmers Co-operative continues its quest to get timely grain marketing information out to our farm customers, many producers have inquired about our ability to text our market commentaries and bids. Although we are limited by characters in what we can text compared to email, we are planning to start to send condensed text updates at midday in lieu of the traditional midday market emails (leaving the morning and closing commentaries via email). 

Beginning April 15th, it is our intention, on a trial basis, to send out our midday commentary by text ONLY. We are also looking at using texts to communicate any grain prices/specials that might be being offered as well. If you wish to join our text updates list, please text GRAIN to 519-800-0436. You can opt out at any time. 

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