Corn staging still varies which means that we are still finishing up with fungicide spraying. We had some acres sprayed on by chopper/plane, but a good percentage of our acres this year were able to get done by our sprayers. Tar spot is progressing rapidly with wet weather. If your field hasn't been sprayed, we encourage you to reach out to your salesperson to talk about the pros and cons of not spraying a fungicide. Tar spot can have massive impacts on yields if not protected.
The soybean crop is also quite varied throughout the area. Some fields are still in full flower while some are podding up nicely. There is still time to protect those later planted fields with fungicide. No flowers = no fungicide response.
Given our heightened moisture levels, there is increased weed pressure in both IP and conventional soybeans. We expect to see pre-harvest burndowns in fields this year, and if that is something you feel your field may need, please feel reach out to your agronomist for product recommendations.
We are once again on the cusp of completing IP soybean contracts. If you have IPs in the ground, you can expect to get an email or phone call over the next few weeks, to clean up the final few pages of the contract before we get into the thick of harvest.