Wednesday, August 14, 2024

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Corn & Soybeans

Corn staging still varies which means that we are still finishing up with fungicide spraying. We had some acres sprayed on by chopper/plane, but a good percentage of our acres this year were able to get done by our sprayers. Tar spot is progressing rapidly with wet weather. If your field hasn't been sprayed, we encourage you to reach out to your salesperson to talk about the pros and cons of not spraying a fungicide. Tar spot can have massive impacts on yields if not protected.

The soybean crop is also quite varied throughout the area. Some fields are still in full flower while some are podding up nicely. There is still time to protect those later planted fields with fungicide. No flowers = no fungicide response. 

Given our heightened moisture levels, there is increased weed pressure in both IP and conventional soybeans. We expect to see pre-harvest burndowns in fields this year, and if that is something you feel your field may need, please feel reach out to your agronomist for product recommendations.

We are once again on the cusp of completing IP soybean contracts. If you have IPs in the ground, you can expect to get an email or phone call over the next few weeks, to clean up the final few pages of the contract before we get into the thick of harvest. 


It is time to start thinking about your wheat seed needs for fall. The second week of September is our early order deadline. Wheat seed is now available for this fall! We will have Constellation and Blaze Seed in bulk, with the rest of the C&M varieties available in totes and bags.

Soil sampling on the wheat fields is in full swing. Reach out to your sales person today to get on the list for sampling. We also have a manual probe if you would like to take samples yourself!

Also, if you are thinking about still putting in a cover crop, make sure to call your agronomist to book product or talk planning! Planting your cover crop this time of year helps to ensure that the crop does not get too much of a top, but still establishes a good root system. If you don't put something green into your field, Mother Nature will!

We will be offering a Rye program again for this year with limited acres available. This is Rye for Grain use, and is similar in timing and management to wheat. Please talk to your salesperson for more information!

Agronomy Tip of the Week

Jill's Tip of the week: "Take some time this August to slow down and enjoy a bit of a break. Harvest will be around the corner before we know it, and we want you to be feeling your best going into this fall!"

During the month of August, many of our staff members are taking much deserved vacation time! If you cannot get ahold of someone, please call the office, and we can make sure that you get the help you need!

Jason (519) 330-9746

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

Jill (519) 464-8977 

Upcoming Events

We are hosting our 100th Anniversary Celebration for customers, members, and current and former employees on August 17th from 3-9pm! The band will play from 3-4, speeches will be from 4-5, dinner will be from 5-6, and the band will play again from 6-9. There will be Food, Swag & More! To help us get a better sense of numbers (and to reserve your shirt size!) please fill out the attached Google Form or call or stop in at one of our branches to let us know you are coming! Small-Large shirt sizes are going fast and can no longer be guaranteed. We still have lots of XL, XXL, and XXXL shirts available that we look forward to giving out at the event! At this time, if your requested size is not available, you will be given a larger shirt size.

Additionally, there is lots going on within the local world of Ag this month!

  • Lambton Soil & Crop Twilight Tour - August 14, 2024 (Tonight at 4:44 @ Stonepicker)
  • Lambton County Plowing Match - August 31, 2024

Check out our website for more information!

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