Wheat season is right around the corner! Wanstead is proud to offer seed and selling programs for SRWT, SWWT, and HRWT.
Blaze is our most popular SRWT seed variety, and it will be in demand! A great yielding seed with good disease protection! Call now to get your orders in!
For those who may be considering switching to a different type of wheat, Wanstead is happy to provide basis premiums on SWWT (currently $1.35 premium to SRWT), as well as Basis and Protein Premiums on HRWT (Basis premium is currently $0.70, with a $10/mt premium if a protein of 11.50 is made).
With beans starting to come off, it may be tempting to want to get the wheat in the ground ASAP. The issue with wheat is that it will need moisture to grow...moisture that we do not currently have. Our agronomy team is recommending that you wait for rain to plant, or at least a forecast of rain. You are not going to find moisture when you plant.
Also on the wheat side of things, we are in the middle of variable rate fertilizer application on wheat stubble. Additionally, we are getting ready for the beginning stages of getting fertilizer on harvested soybean ground (for wheat).
If you are planning on planting wheat this year, this may be the time to consider what your fertilizer plans are going forward.