Wednesday, May 11, 2022

What's New at Wanstead?
With the sun in the sky, farmers are hitting the fields. A lot of action has been occurring the last few days with ground being worked, fertilizer going down, and even some planters rolling on some lighter ground. 

Wanstead Co-op is excited to help all of our farmers with another successful spring! This weeks weather forecast was a relief to see after the last few weeks of showers. Since bright and early Monday morning we have been working on everything from fertilizer on wheat, corn and soybean seed shipments, to chemical orders flying out the door. Our airflows and sprayers are busy as can be, but if you’re hoping to have us custom apply on your farm, give your local branch or agronomist a call and we will get you on our list! We have lots of spreaders and are happy to serve you! 

Both our Wanstead and Alvinston branches are working diligently to serve seed, chemical and fertilizer needs. If you have any product inquiries or want to arrange a pickup, please call one of our branches or stop in!

  • Alvinston: 519-898-2861
  • Wanstead: 519-845-3301

Our agronomists are busy with seed sales, fertilizer sales and crop plans. Crop plans are being discussed and finalized for producers. If you have signed up for our myFS Solution CentreTM (at no charge) you can review your plans online. Give your agronomist a call and they will be happy to assist you with your needs.

  • Bradey: 519-312-7767
  • Jason: 519-330-9746
  • Darrin: 519-330-9812

Have you Started Planting?
Not Quite Ready!
Starting Today!!
This weeks warm weather has not only helped dry out the soil, but has also warmed it up significantly. This photo, taken Monday afternoon at 2:30pm shows that bean stubble in Wanstead was at 75F (24C). The conditions for planting are getting more favorable each day. 
The wheat crop is moving along quickly. Even though some fields just got their 2nd application of nitrogen, it is time to think about herbicide and a T1 fungicide already. This weeks heat has already made the wheat jump in size. 

“Why use a T1 fungicide with the herbicide for wheat?”
A fungicide provides you with comprehensive leaf disease protection while maximizing yield potential. Some diseases that a T1 fungicide help control are leaf rust, Septoria leaf blotch, stem rust, and stripe rust. Talk with your agronomist to learn more! 

In certain areas last year we experienced very strong winds that knocked down a lot of wheat. There was a big difference in standability to the fields that had a growth regulator applied. You can include the growth regulator with your herbicide.

We are pleased to offer to all our customers access to all their account information on line at no charge. The myFSTM application allows you to view all your invoices, grain transactions (scale tickets, settlements, storage etc.), statements, field plans, patronage, and other information. You can print copies for your files or accountants. Our website provides more details on myFSTM and what it offers as well as the link to create your account! The link below will take you to the information page for myFSTM