Crop Insurance moved the planting deadline on soybeans back to July 2nd, but we have been so wet, that did not open up a window for many people to plant their last few acres (as there are still soybean acres to go in). On corn, there are fields that the corn is starting to peak out of the ground, and fields where the corn is waist high. This long planting season is going to lead to a long harvest as well.
Root systems in corn have shown to be less than average because it has been so wet. Hard winds are bending corn over showing there is not as much support there.
Corn side dressing and herbicide applications are keeping people busy in this very short interim window between planting and wheat harvest. Weeds continue to be an issue in sugar beets, soybeans and corn. Timing for herbicide application has been difficult due to the weather. Before you spray, be sure to relook at your residual plan on corn so that your sprays don’t affect your bean plantings next year.
The sales team at Wanstead is going to be encouraging farmers to look at our foliar fertilizer lineups like century soy for soybeans and crop booster for corn. All of this will help limit the stress to the plant.
IP beans need to be monitored heavily as weeds are hard to control when they get too big. Be sure to monitor volunteer corn in IP soybeans especially to make sure that we time the spraying right. The bigger corn gets, the harder it becomes to kill.