Thursday, July 28th, 2022

As we near August, soy fungicide application is now nearly wrapped up.

Consistent rainfall will be essential to yields going forward. August is the main yield determining month for soybeans, so hopefully we see some showers as we go forward into the next few weeks.
Wheat harvest is 95% completed. Overall, wheat yields tended to average between 70-120+, with washed out areas playing a major role in overall field yields.

Soil sampling in the wheat stubble has now started. This is the perfect time to start your rotation of consistent and effective soil sampling, and helps to plan for P+K needs on your fields.

Reach out to your Wanstead agronomist about your options for cover crops and fertilizer application.

  • Jason: 519-330-9746
  • Darrin: 519-330-9812
The corn crops seem relatively clean this year. Last August, we started to see some tar spot in our area. It is important to scout your crops for signs of tar or other diseases.

We started spraying corn fungicide for our “early” planted corn. We expect to spray for another couple of weeks for the later planted corn. Keep in touch with your agronomist about fungicide timing and getting on our custom application list.
In other News
If you have not already seen, Wanstead Co-op has set a date for our annual golf tournament: August 5th.

Registration is $60 and involves 18 holes of golf, a boxed lunch delivered to the course, a steak dinner, and the chance to win one of our many prizes!

To register, please call or visit either of our branches, or fill out the registration form. We look forward to seeing you on the links!
It is bittersweet for us to announce that Bradey Couwenberg has accepted a new job as a Small Business Specialist with Libro.

We are honoured to have worked with her over the past 5 years, and she will be very much missed! Any best wishes can be sent to her email