Wednesday, May 31, 2023

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Soybeans & Corn

Our Agronomists are pegging the planting progress of corn to be 95-99% completed, and the planting progress of beans to be at 85-90% done.

We are seeing some emergence issues on soybean fields due to rainfall timing or crusting, but it is not widespread.

At this point, forecasts are looking bone dry and a rain would be very welcomed. There is soil moisture in the ground, especially on the clay, but we will need to replenish the moisture in the soil soon.

We are seeing some activity with spraying on IP ground, but spraying otherwise has slowed as corn residual sprays will have issues without any rain in 7 days. Thankfully, despite the hot conditions, weeds have been slow to come up in the majority of fields.

Please feel free to reach out to either of our branches or to your agronomist if you have any questions, or if there is anything we can do for you as you wrap up planting and look ahead to this upcoming growing season! Our agronomists have been busy checking out wheat staging for spraying and visiting corn and soybean fields to help some of our customer/owners decide what chemicals to apply! They are often out on the road, so it is best to reach them on their cell phones!

Jason (519) 330-9746

Darrin (519) 330-9812

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

Wanstead (519) 845-3301

Alvinston (519) 898-2861


Wheat tour 2023 has been officially kicked off! If you have a wheat field you would like us to come check out, give us a call and we can set up a time to visit, check out the crop, and get your wheat declaration form signed!

From what we have seen so far, the wheat is looking fantastic, with huge promise, however, we will need to catch a rain in the next week to keep yield potential high.

T3 fungicide spraying is expected to be in full swing this weekend. Typically, this spraying is done during wheat heading. Make sure you confirm plans with your agronomist about application intentions so we can hit the fields when they are fit! 6 weeks from head to bread is the old adage. This timeline is projected to set us up for an average mid-July harvest.

Our agronomists strongly recommend spraying for fusarium to protect the crop against leaf diseases and molds including fusarium. Miravis Ace, one of our most common fungicide sprays, actually helps the crop get a yield boost. "Winter wheat treated with MiravisĀ® Ace yielded an average 3.2 bu/ac more than the competition in Ontario between 2020 and 2021".

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