Wednesday, October 19, 2022

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Soybean harvest is roughly 95% completed, with all but the late planed beans now off. Overall, the trends suggested that the later beans on average, performed better than the earlier planted beans. 

We appreciate all of our customers helping to make #beanharvest22 another safe and successful year! 

Looking forward already to 2023, we have gotten confirmation that our IP premiums on Brutons and S12-J7s will be $5/bu for harvest and winter/spring delivery will be $5.50/bu with the grower responsible for freight. These premiums will be subject to change! Contact Floyd or Megan to lock in your contract and premium price ASAP!! 


Most projected wheat acres have now been planted in our locale. 

This fall's wheat planting conditions to date may have been the best we have seen in quite a few years. It is expected that Ontario as a whole will have a record wheat planting year in which we expect to see over 1 million acres seeded (with the highest estimates shooting towards 1.4 million acres). 


We are now starting to see some fields of corn come off for grain. Early yields have been exceedingly variable. 

So far, much of the corn we have seen has been in the in the 18-25% moisture level range. 

Going forward, concerns over lodging and test weight remain, but fears of VOM at this point have been low. 

In Other News...

Seed guides are now in! Stop by either of our branches to grab your copy today and get a head start on your plans for the new year. Book your seed orders soon to confirm the varieties you want! 

When discussing seed, it is a good idea to talk overall plans for next year so that your agronomist can ensure that we can get the product you want, or at least have enough time to find an alternative for it. 

Map and Potash deliveries and application have been steady. If the weather permits, we are prepared to continue to spread on more fields. 

Once the wind and rain co-operate, it will be time to spray the clover off of wheat fields that were cover cropped. 

Thank you to all of the individuals who participated in our 1st social media photo-contest giveaway! We were thrilled with the quantity and quality of entries, and look forward to a great corn harvest with you!!

Les Douglas was the winner, with his favourite pictures of harvest! See below! 

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