Wednesday, July 26, 2023

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The corn is really embracing all of the rain that we have gotten. Most fields are tasseling/close to tassel.

We have new sensors on our sprayers that help to help the sprayer in row to reduce corn being knocked over. That being said, last week's storm did not come without its share of damage, not only to our elevator, (see announcement below), but to some corn fields as well. We believe that much of the corn will grow out of being knocked over (given that it did not snap). With that in mind, we are doing many more plane acres this year for fungicide. The plane allows us to still apply the fungicide without worrying about knocking more corn over.

Given how wet the canopy has been over the past few weeks, we anticipate seeing the large majority of corn acres sprayed to reduce potential issues of vomitoxin. Keep in touch with your agronomist about fungicide timing and getting on our custom application list.


In terms of soybeans, most fields are in full flower, and some field pods are starting to come out. This is a great time to put fungicide on the crop! If you add a soy booster with the fungicide, it should help to green it up before the good weather in August fills out the pods (The main yield determining month). Many fields have been overly saturated with moisture, and as we know, soybeans don't love to have their feet wet for long. This is resulting in many lime green or yellowing fields.

Our agronomists are encouraging growers to keep an eye out for aphids, spider mites, bean leaf beetles and even grasshoppers. So far, none of these insects have been at threshold to spray, but they are something to be aware of!


We are now at the tail end of wheat harvest with approximately 90% of the crop estimated to be harvested. Given the large amount of rains, wheat quality held in for longer than expected, with issues of sprouts and mildew becoming more prevalent towards the end of harvest. Reported yields tended to be slightly higher than anticipated (given the dry June), but were variable depending on soil type and rain.

We hope that many of our growers were able to utilize the drying promotion for SRWT and SWWT that we had out for this year for 16 and 17% moisture on grade 2 wheat.

Our agronomists are encouraging all growers to soil sample their ground now that the wheat is off. Knowing what your ground needs will help you to spend your fertilizer money in the right places, to maximize on your future crop potentials. If you are interested in getting your fields tested, please reach out to your salesperson. 

Additionally, if you are thinking about a cover crop, make sure to call your agronomist to book product or talk planning!

Jason (519) 330-9746

Darrin (519) 330-9812

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

Wanstead News

We are happy to report that we are reopen to accepting wheat at our Alvinston branch again. Last week's storm caused damage to our elevators and to the town of Alvinston as a whole; but we are on the road to recovery now. We are very appreciative to our customers for working with us on wheat delivery alternatives during our small window of non-receiving. If you do have wheat to deliver, please reach out. 519-898-2861

We are thrilled to announce that we will be back at Widder Station for this year's golf tournament on Thursday, August 10th. We were fortunate enough to have great weather and attendance last year, and we are crossing our fingers for that trend to continue! This year’s tournament will include lunches delivered on course, a steak dinner at the onsite craft brewery, drink tickets, and a large prize table ($90 +tax). If golfing is not your style, you are more than welcome to just join us for the wrap-up steak dinner with a couple drink tickets ($30 +tax)!  Registrations can be called in to either of our branches (Wanstead: 519-845-3301, and Alvinston: 519-898-2861), or you can register through this link.

Please call Megan McGrail with any questions! 519-328-2623 

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