Friday, September 10, 2021

This new weekly e-newsletter will be delivered to your inbox midweek. It will focus on local agronomy news in and around our Wanstead branch locations. Information you'll receive comes from our Wanstead crop sales advisors.

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Trust the company you own.
Preharvest burndown in IP soybeans is well under way. Some early beans are just starting to come off. Early beans look good with full pods all the way through and it is expected that later next week more crop will be coming off. Mid to later beans have some top end yield not quite filled out. Some pods are not full or aborted.
The corn is looking phenomenal and there is a strong potential for record yields. The yield counts indicate that yields in the county have potential to be over 200 Bu. Overall, lodging could be a problem in the corn crop with big winds, in particular corn not sprayed with fungicide could be prone to this issue. This may be the year to consider taking the crop off wetter, in order to prevent the crop from falling over. Some corn has been noted to have some leaf disease and stalk rot issues (anthracnose). Additionally, Tar spot in corn appears to be more prevalent in Lambton county than previously realized. So far, our agronomists have not reported seeing any signs of vomitoxin, but that still might show itself over the next couple weeks. Fields with cutworm feeding are noted to have a higher vom potential.
Growers are getting wheat cleaned and treated or purchasing new certified seed in preparation for planting. Due to the wet weather this past harvest more certified seed is being sold due to the high level of sprouts in seed that has come off the fields. Spraying of bean stubble before wheat planting is a large conversation at the moment. Blaze wheat seed has become a solid choice for those planting soft red wheat. We are seeing lots of farmers getting lime down after soil sampling. We are planning on accepting soft red wheat, soft white wheat and hard red wheat next year. Our hard red wheat premium program is looking to be comparable from this year. If this is something that you may be interested in, please reach out to your agronomist for more information!

What are our agronomists up to?
Our agronomists have been staying busy with soil sampling, scouting fields for diseases, and getting in some well deserved vacation. If you can't get a hold of your agronomist, please call the office and we can get you in touch with someone who can help!

Jason, Darrin and Bradey are continuing to encourage soil sampling on wheat ground. We would be happy to get you signed up for your field(s) to get probed. Knowing what your ground needs will help you to spend your fertilizer money in the right places, to maximize on your future crop potential. This year, with the price of fertilizer, soil sampling can help you spend your money where you will be able to see the most "bang for your buck" and maximize benefits on your fields. With the variable rate applicator that the co-op runs, we can help you grow smart and save money! If you are interested in getting your fields tested, please reach out to your salesperson. 

Bradey: 519-312-7767
Jason: 519-330-9746
Darrin: 519-330-9812

Wanstead Co-op is pleased to report that our annual golf tournament was a resounding success! It was held on September 7th at the Arkona golf course. Check out our twitter feed @wansteadfarmers for photos of the event!