Well, corn and beans definitely cannot complain about a lack of moisture!! That being said, due to the wet spring/beginning of summer, the crop has not needed to develop as strong of a root system as it has in years past. As we move through the rest of the summer, we will want to see consistent showers continue, especially given that August is the main yield-determining month for soybeans.
Soybeans are quite variable across the area with some at fungicide timing and some still getting hit with herbicide for the first pass. This hot and wet weather is a breeding ground for foliar diseases, which is why our agronomists are really, really encouraging all of our growers to apply a fungicide on their crop -once we can get back in the fields that is. Soybeans don’t love to have their feet wet so we are seeing some yellowing across the crop. Plants that were under water for long periods of time are at risk of root rot as well, if they haven't drowned out already. Unfortunately, we do not have a "water-wing" variety of soybeans yet that can float.
Corn is also variable across the area with some fields still getting herbicide applications and some getting lined up for tasseling fungicide. Now is the time to talk to your agronomist and start lining up fungicide applications and timing for corn. We have multiple fungicides available to suit your needs whether it be the highest VOM protection or the higher yield protection. We actually have a lift kit on our sprayer which makes it able to spray in tall fields. Make sure to watch follow-crop restrictions on herbicides being sprayed still as some have longer windows to certain crops.