With wheat harvest wrapped up, now is the time to do all of those extras! - Soil Sampling, Cover Cropping, Tiling, etc.... there is always something to do on the farm!
Grid soil sampling in the wheat stubble is in full effect. This is the perfect time to start your rotation of consistent and effective soil sampling, and helps to plan for P+K needs on your fields. If you have gotten sampling done, and are curious about the results, please note that it usually takes us approximately 10 days to see results back from our 3rd party lab.
Reach out to your Wanstead agronomist about your options for cover crops and fertilizer application.
- Jason: 519-330-9746
- Darrin: 519-330-9812
Additionally, now is the time of year to start thinking about preparing for fall wheat planting (Are you going to need seed?). With 2023 SRWT prices just shy of $10, this crop is a profitable option to consider.