Wheat seed season is in full swing. This year, we will have Blaze SRWT seed in bulk, as well as a new C&M wheat variety called Swoop. Swoop is known for the same yield potential, but more straw!
We are also treating wheat seed this year. Please call early to get on the list for cleaning and treating seed!
In preparation for new crop, we are getting our facilities ready for harvest time. This includes cleaning up off farm wheat and old crop soybean loads that want to move before new crop soybeans come off, and emptying many of our bins on site. Please call us to arrange movement on full or part-loads of either of these commodities so we can help your operation be fully empty prior to this coming harvest. The closer we get to soybean harvest, the premium between old crop and new crop beans will continue to converge.
Variable rate spreading and straight rate spreading of fertilizer has been a challenge due to the weather. As soon as things dry up, we will keep things rolling ahead of harvest. In the meantime, if you have not already, we encourage you to get your plans for fertilizer application lined up before harvest! It is not too late to soil sample! We get results back within a couple weeks, and fertilizer plans can be tailored for your needs based on those results!
Additionally, fall burn downs are right around the corner. Get your field clean, and keep it clean going into the new growing season!