Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Wheat that was not sprayed off is starting to green up nicely. A good portion of the Nitrogen and Sulfur applications are now on. If you have wheat and have not yet applied your nitrogen, make sure you get it on soon! With the heat we have been experiencing lately, flag leaf will be coming along quickly! - You want to make sure nitrogen is applied prior to flag leaf!

Throughout scouting, we have seen signs of some powdery mildew in some fields. That mildew thrives with humidity and temperatures between 15-20 degrees Celsius. If you are concerned, a fungicide applied at flag leaf is a good preventative measure.
Some soybeans began to be planted last week and over the weekend. Our agronomists estimate that there is about 20% of the soybean crop now in the ground.

Important reminders for spraying your soybeans:
  1. What are your soybeans? Xtend, Enlist, Non-GMO? You need to remember this information for spraying to ensure you use the appropriate chemicals.
  2. Make sure to get your pre-emerge spraying on before your soybeans emerge. If you are too late, your field may not be able to catch up with the weeds .
A BIG chunk of the corn in our area was put in over the past week. The Wyoming area is estimated at around 80%, while Alvinston is in the 60-70% range, and estimates including the Glencoe/Appin area are lower in the 40% range. We expect more to be planted in the coming weeks, especially given the market prices continuing to climb. When running the numbers, despite high fertilizer costs, corn is the field crop with the potential to make you the most profit (compared to soybeans and wheat).
Due to last year's wet fall, there was a record amount of acres that needed fertilizer applications this spring. Our airflow machines and spreaders have been going around the clock to keep up with this unprecedented demand. We appreciate your patience as our employees continue to work hard to fulfill these fertilizer orders. Our staff has done an amazing job, putting in long hours, to make sure products were available, and that customer's needs were met in a timely manner! This spring rush could not have been managed without the efforts of our amazing yard staff!

In addition to fertilizer, chemical has also been busy. In most cases, we have been able to supply everyone with their desired products. For products facing supply issues, our agronomists worked hard to offer customers equivalent alternatives.

Seed has also been flying out of the warehouses as people start planting. We have some seed orders left on site which can be arranged for pick up by calling one of our branches or stopping in!

  • Alvinston: 519-898-2861
  • Wanstead: 519-845-3301

If you are not sure what you need to spray on your field this year, please feel free to reach out to your agronomist for advice.

  • Bradey: 519-312-7767
  • Jason: 519-330-9746
  • Darrin: 519-330-9812

We are pleased to offer to all our customers access to all their account information on line at no charge. The myFSTM application allows you to view all your invoices, grain transactions (scale tickets, settlements, storage etc.), statements, field plans, patronage, and other information. You can print copies for your files or accountants. Our website provides more details on myFSTM and what it offers as well as the link to create your account! The link below will take you to the information page for myFSTM

Wanstead is hiring! Wages have recently been increased! Check out our website for more information!

● Seasonal DZ Truck Drivers / General Labour

● Seasonal Assistant for Chemical Warehouse & Crop Scout

● Full time AZ Driver