The wheat continues to flourish, with reports of wheat heading beginning in Essex county. Wheat down that way tends to be a week or two ahead of our progress, but shows that we are well on our way with this crop! The old adage is 6 weeks from "head-to-bread". In general, that would suggest that we are set up for an early July wheat harvest.
All of our wheat spraying is now wrapped up, but it won't be long until we have to start thinking about T3 fungicide application. Typically, this spraying is done during wheat heading. Make sure you talk to your agronomist about planning for this application so we can hit the fields when they are fit! Our agronomists strongly recommend spraying for fusarium to protect the crop against leaf diseases and molds. If there is a fusarium problem with the crop down the road, you will not be able to act then to protect the crop, as it has to be done in advance.
Some products to consider for T3 fungicide spraying (but not limited to) are: Miravis Ace, Carmaba, Veltyma & Prosaro XTR. For specific product recommendations, your agronomist is the best person to talk to!
This year, we will once again have Grain Declaration's to get signed. This declaration is a personal attestation that your wheat is licensed. This form needs to be signed in order to bring wheat to any elevator or ship off farm. In a few weeks, Floyd and Megan will be kicking off their 2023 wheat tour and they are hoping to make it out to wheat producers to check out the crop, chat with farmers, and get wheat declaration forms signed!