Wednesday, May 12, 2021

This new weekly e-newsletter will be delivered to your inbox every Wednesday afternoon. It will focus on local agronomy news in and around our Wanstead branch locations. Information you'll receive comes from our Wanstead crop sales advisors.

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Trust the company you own.
Corn planting is progressing well, especially in drier areas of the counties. Soybean seeding has started, but is significantly slower than corn. Many farmers are looking towards this weekend and early next week to plant if the forecast holds true. 
Overall, fields of wheat are looking good and are ahead of schedule compared to previous years! We have seen some mildew on the wheat crop, but nothing widespread. Weeds slowed down with cold weather lately, but with the sunshine the past few days, some of the weeds are starting to grow again. Fleabane is becoming more abundant in our area and is definitely something to scout your fields for. Cold weather slowed down wheat spraying, (minimum of 5C 24 hours before and after spraying), but our staff at Wanstead is planning on having the final push on spraying in the next week or so before the crop gets too advanced. 
Lots of chemical orders are moving, and soybean and corn burndown is in full swing in drier areas. 
Seed has been moving out of our warehouses like crazy. If you have yet to pickup or seed or get it delivered, please be sure to call and give our staff a heads up so we can have it prepared for you in advance! 
We love seeing pictures of our customer/owners hard at work!

Fertilizer movement has been very active this week with corn starter going out, as well as spraying/ spreading P, K, and S on soybean and corn ground. Please be sure to call ahead of time to book a spreader or an airflow application! 
What are our agronomists up to?
Our agronomists have been busy scouting fields, primarily wheat, to identify which stage the crop is in. They have also been busy checking some fields for corn. A couple sampled fields that were planted 3 weeks ago have impressive root systems developing, but the crop has not yet peaked out of the soil. 

As always, if you need their expertise, please feel free to reach them on their cells!

Bradey: 519-312-7767
Jason: 519-330-9746
Darrin: 519-330-9812